Blogs from Melaka, Malaysia, Asia - page 31


Asia » Malaysia » Melaka » Melaka City March 8th 2007

Here in Melaka, one can find large variety of honey and bee products. Many products are good for health according to those who believe in holistic health and complementary medicine. I researched local market and posted details on Melaka.TV WebSite. Any one interested to know more about honey and bee products of Melaka, Malaysia can read the article located at Thats it for today! ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Melaka » Melaka City March 7th 2007

We left Tioman on the 7.45am ferry back to Mersing, where we were going to take bus to Melaka, on the west coast of the mainland. The journey was around 3 to 4 hours and was uneventful - well I can't remember any of it so it must have been! We arrived in Melaka early evening and checked into the Taveller's Inn Lodge. The plan was to spend three nights here before moving on. First day - we did the usual tour of museums - although I am not sure museum is the right word for these! Some only existed of posters and hardly had any artefacts, others had replicas and could not seem to put correct dates to these! Anyway, we gathered that Melaka was a historically important trading port, being positioned between India and ... read more
St Pauls Church
St Pauls Church

Asia » Malaysia » Melaka » Melaka City March 7th 2007

We left Tioman on a 7.30 am boat and made it over to the mainland. Unfortunately, when we got there we got directed to the domestic bus terminal (for buses around the area) rather than what they call the international terminal (which really just provides long distances Malay buses - except for ones to Singapore and sometimes to Hat Yai in Thailand). As such, we didn't get on a bus to Melaka till gone 12. Still, sitting and chilling in a local food court for a few hours was ok. We had some toast and drinks for about 25p. The 'VIP' long distance buses around Malaysia are all much better than UK (e.g. Stagecoach) in that they have bags of leg room. You can get super low cost buses which have small seats and zero ... read more
Remaining Fort GateHouse
The Royal Palace (recreation)

Asia » Malaysia » Melaka » Melaka City March 5th 2007

It's the end of Chinese New Year, and after 15 days of dragons, fireworks, chinese opera, and paper towers on fire, Suz and I are faced with a decision. What to eat? The choices here in the city of Malacca are endless. It's like having half the hemisphere's cultures available to you in one buffet. What will it be today? Let's look at some options.... For breakfast: Breakfast is kind of a rough choice as there doesn't seem to be any definitive breakfasty type foods here. The Chinese have rice soup, you can always get some Indian Roti stuffed with egg, or just go with the usual western style runny omelet. The Malays however have Nasi Lemak, which we have been enjoying the last few days. It is essentialy a pile of coconut rice, surrounded by ... read more
New year's buffet
High tea at the E&O Hotel

Asia » Malaysia » Melaka » Melaka City March 3rd 2007

While in the Cameron highlands, there's not a whole lot to do except hike around. It's very easy to do, and there are plenty of options as to how long you would like to spend skipping through the rain forest, and where you might like to end up. You can climb to the top of a 6,600 foot mountain, visit a butterfly farm, or go to one of the many beautiful tea plantations that the highlands are known for. Suz and I chose the last option. Our completely untrustworthy guide book describes path 9A as "a leisurly 1 hour hike". So of course we didn't bother to start hiking until noon. The plan was to make it to the Boh Tea Plantation, have some tea and sandwiches, take photos, and hike it back home in time ... read more
Boh Tea Plantation
Suzie's Blisters

Asia » Malaysia » Melaka » Melaka City February 17th 2007

Eight am, checking out from a sweaty Singapore (). A couple of SG$ and 40 minutes later, on the bus, at the Singapore/Malaysia border. Now, where do we find the bus to Malacca (or Melaka in Malay)? 20 min by taxi across the border town, Johor Bahru (aka JB), and we then had 10 min to buy a ticket and jump on the bus. Perfect! After a 3.5-hour pleasant, air-conned, bus journey we finally arrived in Malacca, the capital of the Melaka province. "Wanna room?" A school of hostel agents surrounded us at Melaka Sentral, the main bus station. With some hostel leaflets in our hands we boarded bus 17 to the main hostel area, just south-west of the town centre. Travellers Lodge looked nice, with its roof terrace and A/C-equipped rooms. Installed there, we set ... read more
Oil palm plantation
Food stalls i Malacca
Pulau Besar

Asia » Malaysia » Melaka » Melaka City February 16th 2007

Saturday 2nd September So we finally left Kuala Lumpur which i really enjoyed and set off for Melaka, the bus was an hour or so late and when it arrived it parked up and right where you put the bags in someone had been sick on the floor and i have honestly never smelt anything like it, i was nearly sick myself and to get your bag in you had to stand in the sick there was no way around it. Anyway after that delightfull start to the blog i will get on with telling about my time in Melaka. So we finally arrived there and unfortunately i left my wallet on the bus and fortunately my cards and money were not in it just some personal items. SO not the best start i could have ... read more
Me waiting for the bus
A random Temple door
A random Temple roof

Asia » Malaysia » Melaka » Melaka City February 14th 2007

Melaka, if there was ever a city geared up for tourism with loads of attractions, beautiful architecture, fascinating stories to tell and welcoming people its melaka, but there was one problem - hardly any tourists. Melaka having been a trading port for a succession of euro colonial powers has developed a very unique culture. Throughout the old city colonial fortifications, churches and buildings show its europeanised past. Even today a large population of portuguese decendents still live in the city. The old city square is surrounded by Dutch and British buildings. The old town of melaka is beautiful to walk around, the old chinese shop fronts (which now house row upon row of antique shops) although a bit delapadated show masses of history. We walked around an old chinese mansion similar to the one we saw ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Melaka » Melaka City February 13th 2007

It was an easy 4 hour bus ride from Singapore to Malaysia. Singapore is so small. You can drive from one side of the country to the other in less than an hour. It's amazingly well planned and deverloped. Heading over the border I didn't know what to expect. I was wondering if Malaysia is closer to Singapore or Thailand when it comes to infrastructure and economy. I think it's somewhere in the middle. Being only 200 km or so from the equator, it's a very fertile place. It's so green and beautiful. In some ways it reminds me of Costa Rica. Our first stop in Malaysia is the historic town of Melaka. It's an old Portuguese colony and has the buildings to prove it. it's overall just a pleasant place to be. It's quiet with ... read more
Typical Street Scene
Muslim Malay Women

Asia » Malaysia » Melaka » Melaka City February 10th 2007

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