Better late than never (and better out than in)

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Asia » Malaysia » Kedah & Perlis » Pulau Langkawi
February 13th 2008
Published: January 21st 2009
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Who would have thought that after 6 countries, 31 cities and 8 months overseas that we would find paradise in our very last location. It's hard to believe but Langkawi has had actually had the magical ability to make us totaly forget that we were ever in Hong Kong which is somthing we never anticipated. Gone is the bitterness that we experienced for so many months and replaced is the feeling of ultra relaxation. How do people not know about this place. For anybody reading this blog and looking at taking a trip to Thailand or Fiji, scrap that save some money and spend as much time as you can here. Not only does the place have 30 dollar whole lobsters, beautiful sandy beaches with crystal clear water, the friendlest people on earth and perfect temperature days, it more importantly has duty free beer. Please note the two important words there. FREE and BEER. Gone are the 10 dollar VB's in Kuala Lumpur, hello to the 1 dollar long necks. And they say Melbourne is the most livable city in the world. Check your stats boys. I know where half the blokes in the world would prefer to be.
So Hong Kong is long behind us and we are back in the country that that started it all. Somewhere however between HongKong and KL we have managed to misplace 1000 aussie dollars. I dont know how it happened, i dont know where it happened but somewhere between exchanging the money and putting it in my money pouch safely locked away in my bag to unpacking in our hostel in langkawi we have realised that we are 1000 dollars less than what we should have. So much for the budget. In any other cercimstance this would have infuritaed me and ruined our holiday but Langkawi has got us in such a zone that money doesnt seem to matter..... until we get home flat broke. Im certain it cant have been stolen and am convinced that i have put it into a special hiding place that is so special that ive forgotten. Maybe we will never know. For the short term though theres no use crying over spilt 1000 dollars so back to enjoying paradise.
In all seriousness the 8 days we have spent in langkawi have been just what the doctor ordered. We checked in to our last budget backpackers for the year and headed straight down to the beach with frisbee and vortex in tow. Kym began 'operation tan rescue' while I amused myself by throwing the frisbee and chasing it, congratulating myself emphatically for all my good catches while reciting Bill lawry lines from the 12th man. "Awwww Got him, fuck off, your gone" as everyone looked on like I may be retarted. I would have made a great only child.
The food here is incredible too. Kym and I had a night on the lobster the other night even though i don't like it, purely because we could. The local food is fantastic as well as it blends traditional Malaysian with Indian and Thai as Langkawi is so close the Thai border. We ate at as many different places as we could including the local street vendors who sold little bits and pieces that could fill you up for less than a few dollars.
With so much time on such a small island we decided it was going to be best to hire scooters again and drive to all the sights the island had to offer. We tanned on all their beaches, drank at all their bars, climbed the highest peaks and did nothing whereever else possible. On one particular gondola ride to the top of Langkawis highest peak, the ride was stopped half way up due to high winds as we rocked from side to side inside a gondola with 2 muslims and their child. Everyone started to freak out a bit so i did my best to break the awkward silences with some well timed farts. Not a ride the muslims will soon forget.
After 8 days of bliss we packed up for nearly the last time and headed off to Manly to hang out with Kym's sister and her husband. More sunshine, more beautiful people and slighly more expensive beers. You cant have everything. None the less we cant wait to be a few footsteps from home and our time in Manly was a good way to start intergrating back to reality.

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