Langkawi - Day 2

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January 14th 2008
Published: January 14th 2008
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A heaty BBQ meal was had last night at Gecko HQ - it was the most I've eaten since I've been here! A very sticky night followed as the windows were permanently open and the mossies were in our room in abundance. The mossie plug came in very handy.

We hired a bike this morning and set off on a tour of the whole island (costing us the princely sum of about 4GBP). We first set off for the cable car - my first time on one. The descent was rapid but smooth, but we cursed the cloudy weather that prevented us from seeing right across the Andaman Sea and Thailand. Still, the experience was great and some awesome photos were taken.

We then set off for a highly recommended beach in the north, which turned out to be Kim's close comparator to Lake Mackenzie in Australia. There were literally 15 other people there on the whole beach; very idyllic, with a white sandy beach and a very calm sheet of crisp blue water in front of us. Absolutely perfect.

We then set off on the bike to our resort, avoiding Gunung Raya, before heading straight to the beach to relax even more and top up our tans.

The next plan is to leave tomorrow for Georgetown, Penang, the next island down for a couple of days before making our way cross country to the beginning of the Jungle Railway, which will take us down into the 110million year old rainforest.

My thoughts on Lengkawi are that it is a place of tranquil beauty, but not much else - don't come here for the nightlife, but come here to do nothing at all but relax in arguably the most perfect place we've been so far. Gecko is highly recommended as the whole place is neatly nestled inside a beaten track and is perfectly decorated - and it has amiable hosts.


14th January 2008

Hi's freezing over here. Sounds as though you are having a great time. Take Care xxx xxx

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