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Asia » Malaysia » Kedah & Perlis » Pulau Langkawi
January 13th 2008
Published: January 13th 2008
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Last night saw us leave Thailand via a very scary bus ride to Satun - to say the bus drivers in Thailand are fast is a blatant understatement! Kim swears we left the road at one point and I'd be a fool to disagree with her...

We entered Satun at 0220am and it was deserted, apart from a couple of stray dogs and teenage delinquents - we quickly found a place to stay until sunrise.

I think it's fair to say that the mood was that of unease - after all, this area is a 'no-go' area as identified by the Foreign Office, so I was a little bit uneasy for the first time - I'm glad I never told my mum it was a terrorist area - we won't be back there, I promise!

The transition from Thailand to Malaysia was more evident by the increased Muslim presence; a fact we were rudely awoken by at 4am in the morning by the wailing from the parapet in the mosque right next door!

We left to go to the port at 7am which was suprisingly very nice and clean and - surprise - some friendly Thai faces again! We set off for Malaysia landing in Kuah at about 12, before hailing a taxi to the Lonely Planet Guidebook recommended "Gecko Guesthouse" - a lovely, homely place that looked like a place in the Australian Outback. The place had a resident monkey which didn't take too kindly to my feet!

We checked in and quickly headed for the beach, and my word, I was taken aback by the sheer quietness and tranquil beauty of the whole place. The seawater was absolutely boiling; I've never experienced that before, even in Phi Phi.

We enjoy a BBQ tonight with a few beers before getting to bed to explore the island tomorrow, including the famous cable car.


13th January 2008

Yep I'm glad you didn't tell me lol! Keep Safe xxx xxx

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