Phuket Town on route to Satun

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January 12th 2008
Published: January 12th 2008
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After landing in Phuket on the 11th, we made it our mission to find some cheap accommodation. Luckily, so too were an amiable pair of New Zealanders, so we followed them to a place called "On On Hotel". For 180 bahts a night, we risked a cockroach presence, the threat of robbery and dysentery in what can only be described as barely adequate rooms. It wasn't quite that bad; it 'filled a hole', so to speak.

Today, after a trip to the hospital to remove the stitches, we made our way to the bus terminal to book tickets for our venture into Malaysia, via Satun. The bus sets off in 5hours; hence blogging to fill the time! In between we managed to meet a taxi man called Somchoon who took us to the Big Buddha and also his commissioned souvenir shop where we made his daily wage (Kim buying a 60b purse, or two).

We still have the logistics to work out in how to get from Satun to Langkawi - our next blog will probably be from there so if there is an update, we have made it!

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13th January 2008

oh my god kimmy!! be careful with your back!!you need arnolds trolley ha ha sending love mummy and daddy xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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