Blogs from Laos, Asia - page 7


Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane January 19th 2019

We are awoken to an announcement on the tannoy - we just catch the tail end which is telling us not to leave any of our belongings on the train. It’s only 5am so it can’t be our stop yet. It turns out to be Khon Kaen, so nowhere near...the conductor had told us 6am for our stop, though our tickets say 6.45am. Anyway, it looks like we’re all awake now and there’s a bit of a queue for the loos. Oh well, I suppose I might as well get dressed. There are three loos and two wash basins at the end of each carriage so I don’t have to wait long. It’s 8am and we have arrived at Nong Khai - the end of the line. Those of us left on the train all appear ... read more
Ugly mug
Statue on the Mekong
Presidential Palace

Asia » Laos December 11th 2018

Luang Prabang - every time I say that I want to say ‘kipperbang kipperbang’ - a reference only older folk might get. Once ensconced in the hotel we sauntered out, following the river Mam Khan down to the Mekong and headed to ‘the Bamboo Restaurant’ which had been recommended- and boy was it good (and so hot I nearly cried). The next morning we found yet another temple - Wat Xiengthong, a 16th century temple with glass mosaic decoration. The afternoon was spent just wandering as the town had such a civilised and comfortable feel about it. Late afternoon we got onto a SA SA cruise boat and floated along the Mekong for a couple of hours in beautiful weather to watch the sun go down. Interestingly the SA SA cruise was different to the other ... read more
.Wat Xiengthong, a 16th century temple
Ornate decoration
More decoration.

Asia » Laos » South » Pakse November 30th 2018

Pakse is the second largest city in Laos - for visitors it is most known for being close to the Bolaven Plateau (full of waterfalls, traditional villages and coffee plantations), Wat Phu (a temple that pre-dates Angkor Watt), and the 4000 islands (laid the time traditional...islands in the Mekong along the border with Cambodia). I first visited Pakse 8 years ago, and was surprised how much I loved it. At the time, it wasn't on the backpacker/tourist trail - there was one hostel, a couple of big hotels, and not much else - I walked around and saw a lot of temples and folks living normal life, and absolutely no one tried to sell me a thing - it was the best. Fast forward a few years and the backpacker trail has changed - Vang ... read more
Flying into Pakse
Flying into Pakse
Sunset view from a rooftop restaurant

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang November 24th 2018

Can it be that time already? We can't quite believe it! Today, we leave Vietnam and move on to our next country in Indochina, namely Laos and the city of Luang Prabang, in the mountainous north west of the country. The tour does return to Vietnam to fly home in a week's time (when our group of six, together with one other (Christine, the lady who had the unfortunate fall at the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum all those 'weeks!' ago), have three days or so to relax on a beach east of Ho Chi Minh City), but for now, we say goodbye to this land 'South of China' and move on to, what is often called, 'The Jewel of Indochina'. Our one hour flight to Laos departed at 12.50 pm, and with the drive to the ... read more
First afternoon in Luang Prabang - 1
First afternoon in Luang Prabang - 2
The Monks - 1

Asia » Laos » West » Nong Khiaw November 18th 2018

Nong Khiaw is a tiny little spot on the Nam Ou River in the mountains somewhere north of Luang Prabang, with absolutely stunning limestone mountain scenery. Its a pretty lazy little place, which was fantastic - the balcony of my bungalow was on stilts over the river and it was reallllly easy to spend hours out there doing not much of anything. The highlight was a boat trip up the river through a number of little villages with some of the prettiest views possible - I felt like I was on a tiny boat floating through Yosemite Valley...if it was covered in jungle and there were water buffaloes instead of hoards of people.... read more
View from my bungalow
View from my bungalow
My bungalow

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang November 14th 2018

Luang Prabang also has oodles of temples and oodles of things for tourists, although also has the Mekong and Nam Khan rivers, French colonial influence, interesting element of the morning alms procession by monks (who collect their food for the day) and all sorts of fantastic scenery. Due to sediment from the limestone in the hills, some of the waterfalls are a spectacular blue color (and you can swim in them! but they are not warm :). In a completely random coincidence, I also met up with some friends I met years ago in Africa here - it's an oddly small world sometimes.... read more
Beautiful mountains flying into Luang Prabang
Morning alms procession ceremony (it starts at sunrise, about 5:30), watching from my hotel
Alms procession ceremony

Asia » Laos November 3rd 2018

I had the honor of key noting the 1st Annual Lao Conference of Emergency Medicine. Health Frontiers sponsors an Emergency Medicine Residency.... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane November 2nd 2018

Our first stop was the Pha That Luang which is a gold-covered large Buddhist stupa in the center of the city of Vientiane, Laos. It is believed the stupa dates back to the 3rd century, but has been destroyed and rebuild many times. It is generally regarded as the most important national monument in Laos and a national symbol.... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane November 2nd 2018

Our second stop was Patuxai also called Victory Gate or Gate of Triumph. This is a war monument in the center of Vientiane, that resembles the French Arc de Triomphe. It was built between 1957 and 1968. It initially was dedicated to those who fought in struggle of independence from France. it has Laotian design, decorated with mythological creatures such as the kinnari which is half-female, half-bird.... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane October 13th 2018

After a very stressful time of job hunting with some jobs being successful but not being able to work out and some just not to my desire at all, I finally landed myself a teaching position at a new school in Vientiane, Laos. After suggesting you need probably a day or two maximum in Vientiane in a previous blog, I now find myself living here. Funnily enough, while living here, I have also come to discover there's a bit more to this city than I originally gave it credit for. Luckily for me, as I am working here, I have landed myself, from day one knocking on my neighbours house and meeting my flatmate, with four amazing humans in my life who I now consider my Laos family. It is with these fantastic girls I have ... read more
Drinks on the Mekong
Laos vs Thailand Football Match
One of the many tuk tuk trips

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