Blogs from Yamanashi, Japan, Asia - page 5


Asia » Japan » Yamanashi December 4th 2007

My whole perspective when coming here is, I can do anything and will try anything unless someone tells me that it will kill me. I'm beginning to slowly realize that maybe this isn't the best outlook on life; although it does tend to lead to interesting situations. For instance, the other day I found some trails that led into the mountains near my house. So mid afternoon last Monday, I decided that it would be a good idea to go for a nice stroll in the wilderness. It wasn't long before the path started to deteriorate and I was definitely in unfamiliar territory. Low and behold I come upon a run down house (still possibly inhabited but I really wouldn't want to meet the type of person who lived in it) and the path was leading ... read more
Hiking Trail
Space Camp
Space Camp

Asia » Japan » Yamanashi December 2nd 2007

The Thanksgiving holiday has come and gone, but the memories of this year’s events will definitely live on. As with most of the “American things” we do here in Japan, celebrating Thanksgiving was not easy. Thanksgiving is not celebrated in Japan, of course, and not many people know when or what it is. November 23 is a Japanese National holiday, translated as Thanksgiving Labor Day. They added the Thanksgiving in there, but it really has nothing to do with Thanksgiving. It is more like our American Labor Day. Greg absolutely loves Thanksgiving - it is his favorite holiday. Because if this I thought is was important to share the holiday with my students. However, choosing what to teach about Thanksgiving can get kind of sticky. There are several variations on what the real story of the ... read more
Corn bread
A Pierquet Thanksgiving

Asia » Japan » Yamanashi » Tsuru November 28th 2007

Yowza! Three weeks gone by! That's unbelievable! It would appear that things are definitely winding down around here. I think everyone is exhausted from the program and the school term. We have been doing classes for a full three months now, which is a little longer than the typical quarter (10 weeks). I think that's why not a whole heck of a lot has been going on lately. Let's see... Ah yes! Two weeks ago I was SUPPOSED to be playing my concert with the band from the music circle, but on Friday they decided to cancel the concert because they couldn't get a permit from the school to sell food and drinks. That was EXTREMELY disappointing. There will be another one on December 12th, though, and so hopefully that will go as planned. Since I ... read more
Nagisa's Birthday
So Silly we are!
This kind of stuff kills me

Asia » Japan » Yamanashi November 23rd 2007

So life has been pretty good in the land of the rising sun. I haven't had much chance to explore as I had to work an extra day last week and I've been trying to set myself into some regular routines. For instance, I run every Sunday, Tuesday and Friday. I have my Japanese Classes every Monday, Thursday and Friday and most importantly I go out for drinks every Friday night. The last one wasn't really a plan so much as it just happened. But its fun and I get to meet a lot of interesting people and learn new things about the Japanese culture. They have a drinking game based on rock paper scissors which is amazing. I also learned that they have this type of party called a Gokun. The idea is that a ... read more
Indian Food

Asia » Japan » Yamanashi November 23rd 2007

The leaves here in Minami Alps are finally starting to change colors. The trees are still full with their red, green and yellow leaves, with just a few brown on the ground - unlike in Wisconsin and Iowa where, by late November, most of the trees are already bare. After an unseasonably warm summer, we are now hoping for a warm winter. No one on the main island in Japan has central heat, including us, so our house has started to get very cold, especially at night and in the morning. I am not accustomed to being cold so often, so I have had to where extra layers and carry hand warmers in my pockets. The fall season also means it time for the annual speech competition. Every year one second-grade and one third-grade student are ... read more
Get it?
Riding to the marathon
Readying for the marathon

Asia » Japan » Yamanashi November 15th 2007

I would like to start off this entry by letting you know that in no way was it my intention to mislead you, the reader, in any way. What I have written in the past is what I truly believed to be the truth and I, in no way, meant any disrespect to anyone or any culture by the things that I can only say that I misinterpreted or was misinformed. That being said, it has come to my attention that most Japanese people do NOT brush their teeth while they are showering. I apologize if this misconception that I instigated in your life. Upon receiving this information I was stuck in an awkward situation, do I shake off the bad news and pretend that I was never interested in the idea in the first place ... read more
A tree in the Onsen
A tree at the onsen

Asia » Japan » Yamanashi » Tsuru November 10th 2007

Alright. It has actually been so long since I wrote my last travelblog, I had to go back and read the entire thing again to see what I'd written about. I can't believe it was three weeks ago I went to fuji q highland. I hope I can remember everything I did between now and then. Well I suppose the next thing after Fuji Q was Halloween. For the weekend before Halloween Shani (another Tsuru/UCSD student) and I made a trek out to Tokyo to meet friends and find a club where you could get in for free if you wore a costume. As well, we searched for the Yamanote party. Yamanote is one of the Tokyo train lines, and rumor had it that there was a big party going on in one of the sets ... read more
Halloween in Tokyo!
Taking part in a Lingerie Ad
On The Train

Asia » Japan » Yamanashi November 9th 2007

I would like to start off by saying thank you to everyone that reads my blog, the comments you guys make are great and always bring a smile to my face. They are what motivate me to keep writing these blogs. So I haven't written anything for awhile and lost of stuff as happened. The first thing that has happened is that I went to a Japanese Onsen (Bathing house). My friend from my Japanese lessons invited. I wanted to go and she'd been before so I figured she could show me around so I didn't do anything stupid. Anyways we went on a Monday night. Her sister/family came to the train station to pick me up and drop us off at the Onsen, which was about 10 mins away from train station. We got there ... read more
Isawa Branch Halloween Party
Next Class at Isawa
Futaba Halloween Party

Asia » Japan » Yamanashi October 31st 2007

Jessie celebrated her birthday on the 29th, and what could have become a sad reminder of her being away from her family and friends turned out to be a wonderful experience and further proof that we are making some great friends here in Japan. My tutees, Yoko, Maki and Shizu, along with our good friend Jason, threw Jessie a surprise birthday party last week. The celebration was thoughtfully planned, with cheesecake, KFC and other goodies, as well as the streamers and balloons befitting a birthday party. The six of us just sat around at Yoko's house and talked. But our friends in Japan were not the only ones kind enough to remember Jessie's big day. So she wants to send a big "thank you" to the people at Woodbury Elementary in Marshalltown, Iowa for their warm ... read more
Great Party...

Asia » Japan » Yamanashi October 28th 2007

We are a novelty here. For that reason, people stop by our house, bring us places and are generally interested in us simply because we're Americans. Never before have we made so many friends and acquaintences in one place. Some of them want to practice their English with us, some want to practice their pick-up lines on Jessie, but others have given us hope that after a year in another country, we will return to the States having made real friends, who genuinely cared about getting to know us and who took the effort to bring us inside the otherwise inpenetrably private lives most Japanese lead. One of those people is Yoko. Yoko loves the Harry Potter novels and Pirates of the Caribbean, in particular, Johnny Depp. She works, has a couple kids and a husband ... read more
Mr. Saitoh

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