Transplanted in Tokyo

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September 12th 2006
Published: September 12th 2006
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From E-Town to T-Town

So... I swear I am not a blogger! Several of you may remember my anti-blog ramblings before leaving Edmonton. I still refuse to go blog-crazy, but here are some photos from my first days in Japan.

My initial moments in Tokyo were just slightly overwhelming. Tokyo is a great way to keep your ego in check... you very quickly feel small and insignificant. There is some irony (is that the right word?) in that most first-time visitors to Japan fly straight into Tokyo. I imagine it might be preferable for some to ease into the country by visiting a smaller centre first . Needless to say, Tokyo is quite an introduction and an unforgettable experience!

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Tokyo StationTokyo Station
Tokyo Station

Here I am with fellow JETs about to board the Shinkansen (or "bullet train"). Because we were so excited, the trip to Hiroshima went by really quickly. In actuality, I believe the trip took three or four hours.

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