holyyyyy tired.

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October 19th 2009
Published: October 19th 2009
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My god, what a day! i am officially done in, beyond the point of knackered and ready for a damn good nights sleep. we actually managed to get up pretty early today, when I say early I mean 10.30am which IS early for me. So first we had a mcdonalds and headed off to ebisu town as there is a photography gallery there that we wanted to see.. however because we're a little bit (a lot) special, we hadn't bothered checking the opening times in our guide book and had failed to notice that it's actually closed on Mondays.. ridic! However we took the journey to ebisu anyway, and discovered that the photography gallery is actually inside a gorgeous little area called ebisu gardens.. and it was very pretty to look at. We shall be returning to Ebisu at some point to visit the gallery again once its actually OPEN.

After our slightly pointless journey we then headed back to Shibuya.. This place is unreal! We discovered many 'love hotels' in Shibuya. These are not love hotels, they are basically sex hotels.. you can pay to stay there for an hour or 2! there was one on every road, mental. there was also this vile petshop. There were tiny cages inside with miniscule puppies/kittens that were obviously not very well looked after.. i wanted to take them home 😞.

oh my god also right i am such a DITZ.. I have my passport in a moneybag around my waist under my clothes and I was in this funky little shop trying on some sort of minnie mouse skirt so I stupidly took my money belt off so I could get the full affect of how mint the skirt looked.. ha. Then after we were walking down the road and I was thinkin hmmm something isn't right.. my arse feels 10 stone lighter. I had forgotten my money belt. What.A.Bloody.Idiot.! I have never sprinted so fast as hard as I did today, definitely burnt off the mconalds from this morning. Luckily it was still there on the floor.. *note to self, dont be so vain and take off your money belt just to admire yourself in a skirt* soooo after I recovered from my own stupidity we went to a lovely gallery and then got completely lost on the way back looking for a station..eventually we found it and decided we were not ready to go home yet wanted mission out even further. So we ended up on the other side of Tokyo in Asakusa which is very famous for its shrines. They are immense! We saw 2 and it was quite dark at this point and looked fabulous. I also saw a few random cats, aw.

Very near Asakusa is a town called Akihabara. This is one of the most well known towns in Tokyo as it's completely full of manga/anime and is nicknamed 'electric city' as there is literally a sky high tower packed with cheap electric goods.. so naturally we couldn't resist paying a visit on our way back home. Again we got lost but luckily an adorable pair of Japanese guys helped us out, holy hell Japanese guys are so hot right. They dress SO well and their hair is always perfect. I'm determined to find myself a hot little jap at some point in the next 2 weeks. So anway.. eeeerrrrr yeah, we eventually found electric town and i was officially in electric heaven. iphones, blackberrys.. you name it! However I am a bit peed because there was this multistory building and not one of those floors had a goddamn UK/Japan plug adapter.. wtfs that about!!

At this point my feet felt like they were going to drop off and run away from me after the amount of pain I put them through.. so yeah, we came home. I shall update if anything else happens tonight but I doubt it as I think an early night is on the cards. Meant to be getting up at stupid o clock in the morning tomorrow to go visit the fish market.

Oh I forgot, also bought a very cute cardigan and disney japanese diary from Shibuya today 😊



19th October 2009


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