It's like Japan...just in the middle of Tokyo

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January 23rd 2008
Published: January 23rd 2008
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Hey there, I said I would write about my Sunday adventure, so here I am to deliver. So here is a quick history lesson that will help explain what I did better:
After WWII America held a big ass trial to kill all the major war criminals. So we ended up convicting 14 "class A" criminals and they were promptly put to death. Now these were the big boys, the generals and the heads of the government that we felt were the ones most responsible for the war crimes committed by Japan. So fast forward to 1985, when one of the heads of a shrine that honors those that died for Japan felt it would be a good idea to put in these 14 war criminals. Now obviously this pissed everyone off, including the Emperor of Japan. So this big controversy continues to this day. This place also has a museum that is really just chock full of revisionist history (for example, did you know that China was responsible for their invasion by Japan? Neither did I!) So without further adu, I present Yasukuni Shrine:

Yeah, it was really great to see a real shrine. Tokyo is a really big city, and I haven't really felt like I was in the Japan I wanted to see. When we first arrived there was a Sunday Bazaar type deal, and it had a lot of great cheap things that really made me feel like I was halfway across the world for the first time here. We also went to the museum I talked about earlier and it was nuts! I wasn't aloud to take pictures, and I am not about to get my gajin ass arrested for something telling me that the US was responsible for Pearl Harbor. But outside there was a statue dedicated to kamikaze pilots from WWII:

It was really surreal to see all this stuff, but also very interesting. Okay Nisshi, I think that is all for now. And for the lazy people that enjoy reading my blog, here is a requested link to my photobucket, you bums: Brenden's Awesome Photobucket I will write soon! See ya.


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