Procrastination isn't the problem, It's the solution. So procrastinate now, don't put it off! - E.D.

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June 14th 2008
Published: June 16th 2008
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Just meJust meJust me

I know you can't read it, but this is one of my favourite t-shirts. It says Fabulous Animal. Realms Imagination!
Gah! this blog is the Bane of my existence! Ok, so that may be going a bit far, but I’ve been putting it off and putting it off, and it’s about time isn’t it?

Life at the moment has settled down into a routine, but that isn’t hard when you have a full time job because hey, that’s 9 hours a day filled in for you. The rest of my time is spent cleaning - no wait, make that thinking about cleaning, and then doing all of those handy important things that are always waiting for you when there’s something that actually needs doing, like facebook, skype, msn, watching anime, and eating….

‘My evil genius Procrastination has whispered me to tarry 'til a more convenient season.’
-Mary Todd Lincoln 1818 - 1882

I am getting around those things by writing this at work - which is in itself procrastination as I should probably be marking or lesson planning or doing something useful… whatever works I guess.

This month is the month of tests for those poor Japanese kids…..and I actually had to make one for them. It’s called Ni-ki-zu-in-ta-biu-te-su-tou which roughly translates to ‘Nikky’s Interview Test’. Each
Standard DinnerStandard DinnerStandard Dinner

When I can be bothered to shop and cook that is. And dad, look....veggies!
student has 2 minutes in which to answer a small selection of questions and then describe a small picture. It’s quite easy, but they come in all nervous.. kind of like mice confronted by the farmer’s wife.. I try to reassure them, but it’s a T E S T and they won’t forget it. I’ve marked them quite high, but the overall standard is low. The ones that get good marks are getting good marks for that level - if that makes sense. They do try though, and that’s what I think counts the most. It’s not their fault that they have a lower level either. They only start learning the alphabet in maybe 5th grade elementary school (10 years old), so they have to come a long way in a short amount of time.

Although it’s stressful for them, I like to be able to sit one on one and talk to them individually for a while (even though I end up having the same conversation 170 times - no exaggeration there…actually I just did the math and it’s going to be more like 252 times…..). I’ve been here two months already, and it really pains me to say that today, I gave an interview test to a student I don’t remember having seen in class before. That’s so sad. I feel like a bad teacher because you’re supposed to notice them all, and connect with them all, and I didn’t. 36 students per class, and 50 minutes a week/fortnight/month is all I get with each group…the disadvantages of working in the 3rd largest school in the prefecture. It does have it’s advantages though, for me and the students.

The teachers here have also discovered my amazing ability to mark work….so now I get handed piles of worksheets with a cheery ‘here you are’…of course they’re cheery, because I’M marking! I don’t mind though, seriously, because it’s either that or look busy for the 4 or 5 hours a day that I’m not in class. Planning doesn’t usually take up all of my time (unless I lose my grip on reality and decide to do an activity that needs activity cards, whereby the better part of my day - and sometimes my night - is spent chopping and gluing and labeling and grouping hundreds of little cards - suffice it to say I prefer the board game kind of lesson.)

Well that’s all for now…I do have more to say and will beat that evil genius procrastination and tell you all about it….but first I have to….

‘Procrastination is the thief of time’
Edward Young 1683 - 1765



16th June 2008

Glad to hear you're settling in well chica (^v^) I always hated having to look busy...and waiting for other people to leave work so you can leave etc. But can I ask, how did you manage to smack your head into your drain pipe? xx
16th June 2008

Hey hun! Yes, settling in ok, and I only stay at work as long as there is work that needs doing. Usually home by 5.30 or 6, but there have been 7, 8 and almost 9pm finishes - thankfully not too many though. As for the other matter...It was a 3 in one hit. 1. Computer froze and I had to restart - always a pain. 2. While waiting for computer, realised my clothes were being rained on outside. 3. While collecting clothes, I picked up my laundry basket, turned around - as i was standing up- and hit my forehead on the bit that conveniently juts out of the drainpipe. Funny now...but oh so not funny last night. No sharp edges, no bleeding, no concussion....just some cussing :D xx

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