busy lil' bee

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October 22nd 2007
Published: October 23rd 2007
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Our training meeting in Fukuoka was quite a waste of time, as predicted, but at least I got to chat to a few more people who are based in Kyushu... although there were some MEGA geeks there! i met up with Marjyse who really helped me out during my first week in japan and encouraged me to battle with the company in order to get moved to a different location. she said that the guy who took over that placement absolutely loves it! apparently he's a bit of a kooky musical type, so I guess he's quite happy to sit by the river with his guitar every single day... wouldn't have been my scene at all!

After the meeting, we went back to Mindy's and got ready for the evening... I really wasn't feeling up to going out as I had a really sore throat (from those japanese kiddies who have been sneezing and coughing all over the place no doubt!) but we went to a yatai - a food stall by the river - and enjoyed some raamen, before heading to bar festa where we had fun singing along to the live music... I was a good girl and only had 2 drinks but spent most of the evening moaning to the others that I wanted to go home and sleep! We ended up staying out until 4am though!

After a few hours sleep, we went to Hard Rock again (predictable?! us?! no!) and scoffed our way through yummy burgers and chips. We then had a potter around the shops and, of course, enjoyed a Starbucks! We walked past some guys holding up signs saying 'free hugs' so of course we obliged, as I guess they didn't have many takers from the Japanese, as they're not very affectionate in general! Mindy decided she wanted to get her hair cut but wasn't quite sure what to do, so Laura and I jumped up like Trinny and Susannah and started re-styling her hair and telling her what kind of style would suit her... we decided on a short bob (long at the front and shorter at the back) and then took her to the nearest hairdressers! She let us try and describe the hairstyle to the hairstylist and he said 'ah yeah, like uh beckham' - i had to check that he meant victoria and not david, otherwise Mindy might never have spoken to us again! Poor Dan kept calling to ask us where we were so we kept telling him to have another latte! I said to the girls afterwards that men never notice if a girl changes their hair unless it's a completely different colour or something so I told Laura to pretend she'd had hers done... sure enough he fell for it and started complimenting her on her new style!

Mindy cooked us okinomiyaki (japanese style pizza thing) and we watched 'Music and Lyrics' on her new dvd player! We headed back to Saga on Saturday night as we were absolutely shattered from the previous evening!

On Sunday, Laura and I met up with some of the peeps from the previous weekend - Sarah, Gareth and Tony and we went to a yummy Indonesian restaurant.

I had hip hop last night which was lots of fun, although the teacher was very upset not to see Dan and she laughed when I did my impressions of his pelvic thrusts!

Today, I had to accompany 2 students to a speech contest in Saga. One of the girls who I thought was really good got through to the final but unfortunately didnt make it into the top 3. The girls that won first, second and third were not that great to be honest and I was quite surprised by the judges' decisions. It seems they wanted someone who could memorise a speech accurately rather than deliver it well... bitter that my student didn't win perhaps?!

Hip hop again tomorrow night and then I should be going out for food and drinks with a big group of peeps at a local izakaya (pub!) ...

Busy, busy, busy at the moment and there'll be no rest for me this weekend as i'm off to KYOTO... with MUM AND DAD! how excited am i?!?! I hope Mum remembers to pack lots of square crisps for me..... mmmmm


23rd October 2007

wow you are busy all that food to eat. sandra is quite worried about you eating out all the time and how you afford it. Sorry about your kid not winning the comp. Oh dear them boys do look desperate bless them. i can't imagine mindy with her new hair do you will have to send a photo. it will be lovely for you to see your ma and pa. i have been xmas shopping was doing well until i went to get on the bus to go home and dropped a bag which happened to have a breakable present in. i wasn't happy. i had ellie and dan today we fed the horses by st barts church. i showed ellie some of your photos and tried to show her the video of sports day but it wouldn't open up that was a shame. ellie made me laugh because she saw your name and kept asking questions about you saying heidi every time. have fun at work helen xx

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