Blogs from Bali, Indonesia, Asia - page 212


Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta February 7th 2008

It's been well over a week since we've been in Bali and I've left it until now to write something, largely because there is very little to do here, except if you're a surfer or a perennial sunbather. I'm neither (although I did try my hand at bodyboarding, which is very tough on my skin and elbow!!) so I was left with Bali's main attractions, all of which seemed to be Hindu temples - the most spectacular being Tanah Lot in sunset. Bali conjured up images of a paradise before I came here. I was very disappointed with the dirty beaches and many touts and tourists here, and there are many things I could complain about - the brashness; the rampant commercialization; the noise; the pollution; the women lying in alleyways with their babies at night ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Bali February 5th 2008

Bali Being in Bali is somewhat like being in Northern Canada, there's some parts I love dearly, other parts I'm not so crazy about. Like both countries, it all depends on the time of year. Smart snow birds leave Canada in winter. Not so smart snow birds to go Bali in winter. It's unbelievably hot and muggy here in the wet season. Even the locals sweat and complain about the heat, until we tell them Canada is colder than their freezers. We're typical tourists, surviving the tropics in our air conditioned villa, dodging the gecko pooh, which likes to land on our dinner and scrabble game. Not intentionally of course, they were here first. I love the gecko, although it takes a little getting used to them crawling around the walls and ceiling. They're much preferable ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Bali February 3rd 2008

This what Stephanie and Harreson left behind in Beautiful British Columbia, Canada, Rosswood BC in Dec 07!... read more
Harreson's shower
Our drive to town

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta February 1st 2008

Hey everyone, so this is what we got up to in Bali: We stayed in Kuta which is at the heart of tourism in a lovely hotel called the Barong, we had ac, free breakfast and there were 2 swimming pools that we were free to use. The weather in Bali is hot and humid, on our last day it was 34'C but this was the hottest day. We were lucky that the wet season had ended early, however there were a few downpours, and the occasional thunder. We were a 10min walk from the beach which was a pretty beach although slightly polluted with litter. The water was warm, we have never been in such a warm sea and we think this made surfing easier! The waves were great for us beginners (they have bigger ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Bali January 28th 2008

After a nite @ GRAND INN COME in Bangkok, I headed for paradise! (k Grand Inn Come was the closest, cheapest hotel to the airport) After 6 weeks wrapped up in layers of clothing & thick winter jackets, boots, gloves, scarves + nosebleeds every morning, it was a joy to be in a t-shirt, shorts & sandals! I'd like to tell u that this would be a long blog, but I'm afraid to say I didn't get up to very much in my stay in Bali. There really is nothing better than lying by the pool everyday, getting a massage at bodyworks (this must-try heaven offering massages, facials, pedis, manis, hair services) & eating at the best beach front restaurants. Managed to get off my back (from lying in the sun...what were u thinking?) to spend ... read more
Babi Guling
Naughty Nuris
Villa in Bali

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta January 25th 2008

..if that ferry boat hadn't been a month ago you may have feared me dead. but its ok...we did arrive in equivalently squalid port town. and luckily we had a full ride ticket that got us onto a van back to kuta. a vastly different kuta from the one we had just spent the past 10 days in. we followed a crumpled business card from a bunch of rowdy kiwi's we met back in Lombok all the way to the Bali Dwipa Hotel on Poppies II. which i am now sure is home to some of Kuta's most highly paid and saught after prostitutes...both men and women... the room was to the usual standard, it did however have its own unique feature, the instant bath aka. the drain that doesn't drain. nothing like showering in ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta January 25th 2008

Just Plane Mad! As promised at the end of our last blog we have a few airplane stories. The first happened on our flight from Hanoi to Saigon. Now we don't know if the passengers on the other side of the isle were scared due to hearing about the BA flight crash landing at Heathrow, or were just mad, but as soon as the Captain mentioned over the tanoy that we were about to start our descent and could everyone fasten their seatbelts, however 2 people took this to extremes and took out their motorcycle helmets and put them on. Now, I know we were flying the Vietnamese version of Ryan Air, but it was an English pilot and a good flight so were surprised to say the least. Now even if they were scared of ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Bali January 23rd 2008

January 23, 2008 is a special day for Hindu Balinese community, as they celebrate Galungan Day. The Hindu celebrates Galungan day every six months. Galungan Day held on Wednesday and will be followed by Kuningan Day on the Saturday. This 11-day holy period is based on ancient harvest festival. Barong dance held house to house on Galungan Day. I’m very interested to know what the Hindu do on Galungan day. And I was looking for information, which Pura (Hindu’s place for praying) allows tourist visits. I heard about a big Pura which allows tourist visits called Pura Jagatnatha in Denpasar, but I still look for another alternative. Luckily Adit, my colleague, knows my interest and invites me to come to the Pura which located on his village. Most Balinese who lives in the city are came ... read more
Balinese House
The Lumbung
Carved Door

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Denpasar January 20th 2008

Dear All Long time with no blogging but lots of travelling - now we are settled in New Zealand for a few weeks I’ll bring the blog up to date starting with our time in Indonesia, After leaving the children’s home in Thailand at the end of November I flew to Indonesia (Bali) to meet Colin where we lived for two days in a luxury beach side hotel - a bit of a contrast to the cockroach farm passing itself off as a hotel which we moved to two days later in Kupang, West Timor. Bali and West Timor are just two of the 17,500 island of Indonesia that make up the archipelago which straddles the so called ‘ring of fire’ along the Pacific’s colliding tectonic plates. Indonesia is a zone of geophysical violence; earthquakes, volcanic ... read more
Balinese dancer

Asia » Indonesia » Bali January 19th 2008

...ok leute ich hab mich jetzt ne weile nicht gemeldet jetzt gibts mal wieder ein paar fotos, mit dem text werd ich mich etwas zurueckhalten denn das leben ist zu kurz um es in irgendwelchen internetkafes zu vergeuden... nur soviel: wir haben malaysia und singapur gut ueberstanden sind seit ein paar tagen in bali... und faulenzen, welches nur durech die einnahme scharfen mahlzeiten unterbrochen wird... und sammeln kraefte die wir spaeter noch gebrauchen koennen! naechste woche donnerstag gehts dann weiter nach kupang und von dort auf eine kleine insel... kann also gut sein das ich ab naechster woche schwert zu erreichen bin. also erfreut euch an den bilder und machts gut andi... read more
Photo 2
irgendwo im dschungel
Ready for take off...

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