Blogs from Uttarakhand, India, Asia - page 64


Asia » India » Uttarakhand » Rishikesh February 16th 2006

In the Hindu pantheon there are many gods. Just like the Greek and Roman Gods, Hindu Gods fall in love, get married, have children. They live lives that are a little bit like people's lives. They are gods but they are not always good. They can be naughty, sometimes they do or say things that are rash or petty. Ganesh, the elephant headed god was the child of two gods, Shiva and Parvati. There is a legend that when Ganesh was born his father was away from home. His father came home and didn't recognize him so he instantly cut off the child's head. His wife was very angry. She told him to go out and find the boy a new head. Shiva returned with the first head he could find, the head of an elephant ... read more

Asia » India » Uttarakhand » Dehradun February 16th 2006

First things first...I have an Asian Studies degree. Besides experience gained visiting the doctor, being raised by a Nurse Practitioner, and watching my fair share of ER episodes, I have no formal medical training. I entered the Child Family Health International program as a Pre-Masters of Public Health student, but if there is anything I have learned, it is that not all things translate well. The first day of rotations, immediately after meeting the cardiologist, a patient in a very crowded office is herded into a seat for Marti and I to inspect. Marti is a PA student I am paired with and thank goodness she is here! Marti listens to the patients heart and lungs and then it is my turn. I listen to the heart and lungs - not sure what I am listening ... read more
Blythe with the Docs

Asia » India » Uttarakhand » Rishikesh February 14th 2006

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! It is getting to be spring at the ashram! It's good for me that it's getting warmer because there's no heat in the buildings. I was very cold at night for the first few days. And there are flowers blooming in the gardens. There are may species of flowers and trees here, some that are like ones we have in Maryland and some that are not. One of the most interesting trees here is the Banyan tree. Banyan trees grow all over India. They are a species of fig tree but they are quite unique. Banyan tree's roots grow down towards the ground. They can grow down from the branches themselves so an old Banyan tree looks like it has many trunks. Just one tree can look like a small forest. The ... read more
Another Banyan
Tree of Life Mosaic

Asia » India » Uttarakhand » Rishikesh February 7th 2006

Where I am in the north of India there are tons of animals that we don't have in Maryland. Among other things there are tigers, leopards, wild boar and elephants. Elephants in India are smaller than their African cousins and they have smaller ears. Some of them are working animals and are ridden on treks. Elephants were used to defend India from Foreign invasion as late as World War II. Tigers live all over India but up here the mountains is excellent territory for them because there is cover from where they can stalk their prey. Elephants and tigers are both endangered in India and all over the world. Governments and Conservation groups are working to save the animals and the habitats that enable them to survive in the wild. There are also spotted deer here ... read more

Asia » India » Uttarakhand » Rishikesh February 4th 2006

Indian People have been coming to Rishikesh on spiritual pilgrimages for thousands of years. The river that runs through here, the Ganges, is considered sacred to Hindus. It is often referred to as "Maa Ganga" Mother Ganges and is believed to be a goddess on earth. Where I am in the foothills of the Himalaya mountains is where the Ganges River starts There have been ashrams here for hundreds of years. An ashram is a place where people go to meditate and study. It's like a monastary for Hindus. Often nuns and monks live there. At the Yoga Niketan Ashram there are monks who live here and there are people like me who come here for a short time to learn about yoga. Meditation means to take time to sit and think about God. Meditation is ... read more
Becca in "Tree Pose"
Yves in "Bow Pose"
Ganges from the Ashram

Asia » India » Uttarakhand » Rishikesh December 31st 2005

INTRO........ ..........AUF DER SUCHE NACH DEM URSPRUNG...... als beatlesfan der ersten stunde und spross der hippie - guru - woodstockaera war mir schon immer klar, dass ich EINES im leben erreichen muss!! eine pilgerreise, so wie die sadhus hier, an einen heiligen platz, .........mir heiligen platz! glaubtses oder nicht, ich hab vor mehr als 25 jahren im schoenwieser gemeindesaal einen vortrag ueber den maharishi mahesh yogi gesehen! wir haben den vortragenden verarscht, weil uns der weismachen wollte, dass es im fortgeschrittenen stadium der transzendentalen meditation moeglich ist, vom boden abzuheben!!! dachten damals, super, ersparen wir uns das fliegen..... ja und, was is damit jetzt? mensch, komm ich doch drauf, dass hier in rishikesh DER ashram steht, in dem die beatles 1968 den mahar. mah. yogi aufgesucht haben und meditiert haben! peng, ........knallts ihr das ueberhaupt!?... read more
lakhsman juhla
lakhsman juhla
swarg ashram

Asia » India » Uttarakhand » Haridwar December 29th 2005

Today was an inter-city travel day that mercifully only took 1.25 hours, by bus to Haridwar. The bus itself was virtually empty so I was able to sprawl out on a seat. Such moments are to be treasured. Haridwar is a holy site for Hindus, as it represents the point where the Ganges comes out of the hills and begins its journey eastward across the plains. I'd been unable to get hold of any hotels yesterday, so this marked the first town I've arrived in with no accommodation pre-booked, but I soon found one of the hotels that had a good write-up in the RG (Hotel Kailash), and they had a spare room. As they were still cleaning it, I decided to grab some brunch to kill an hour or so until it was ready. I ... read more
Ferries and the suspension bridge
Shiva acolytes

Asia » India » Uttarakhand » Dehradun December 28th 2005

I wasn't too full of beans when I got up at 10AM, but there was admin to be done which brooked no laziness. I drew a skeleton map of the area, showing just the bus station and the hotel, and asked the reception guy (who spoke good English) to fill in i) the railway station, ii) an Internet cafe, and iii) an optician. His initial response was to tell me where the tourist information office was, but that seemed an unnecessary detour so I pressed him again. Unfortunately that proved to be a mistake. He positioned the railway station on the right hand side of a crossroads, whereas in fact it was a good quarter of a mile away on the left hand side, he said there was an Internet cafe next door but I couldn't ... read more
My hotel in Dehra Dun
My hotel room in Dehra Dun
My hotel room in Dehra Dun

Asia » India » Uttarakhand » Dehradun December 27th 2005

I'd had some very tasty mango juice as part of my lunch at the hotel yesterday, so I thought I'd try the orange juice today. However what arrived in the glass resembled the contents of a fluorescent marker, and certainly had not originated in an orange. I do need to boost my fruit intake. Today was another uneventful one, with a final wander around McLeod Ganj being the limit of my ambition, before catching the 6PM overnight bus to Dehra Dun. The hotel had done a good job of confusing the hell out of me regarding how to actually get the bus - originally they had told me that there was a reservable bus to Dehra Dun, then a couple of days later they said that there was no reservable bus but that there was an ... read more
Temple entrance guardian

Asia » India » Uttarakhand » Rishikesh December 22nd 2005

DIE STRASSE GEHOERT ALLEN...............oder: INDIEN WIE ES HALT IST! in delhi auf dem interstate bus terminal einen bus nach haridwar gecheckt! "very good bus, very good seats, no problem......takes only 4,5 hours, much better than the official bus because this bus takes 6 hours, stops all the time........! na, von mir aus! es sind ja gerade mal 214 km in die heilige stadt, nordwaerts, richtung himalaya. nach einer stunde manifestieren sich unsere zweifel bzgl. der infos. wir cruisen naemlich immer noch um den interstate bus terminal herum und nach kurzer fort-bewegung stehen wir auch schon wieder an einer tankstelle. irgendwann kriegt der busbegleiter vom reisebuerochef vor unseren augen eine offizielle, oeffentliche watschn verpasst, danach gehts aber raus, auf die hauptstrasse. auf der strasse ( ca. 4m breit mit gegenverkehr) bewegen sich folgende dinge: busse, traktoren, autos, ... read more
on the road to haridwar
on the road to haridwar
on the road to haridwar

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