Blogs from Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India, Asia - page 81


Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh » Agra March 29th 2005

Descend on Agra. The Taj Mahal awaits us. Simply amazing. Six AM meeting time to catch a train to Agra. I was really excited to finally get started with our tour since it seems like ages that I've been in New Delhi (only a couple of days!) It's really nice to have a tour leader to do all of the thinking for us. Basically we just follow him and he has all the transportation and accommodations arranged for us. Sure makes one a lazy traveler. But hey, sometimes you just need that! :) We had a pretty busy day once we arrived in Agra. We grabbed a quick bite to eat then headed off to see Baby Taj, Agra Fort and then a carpet factory before taking a break. The person leading the tour at the ... read more
Red Fort in Agra
I see the Taj Mahal..
Hand knotted rugs

Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh » Agra January 27th 2005

The city of Agra has turned out to be the most fun yet. Today began with a nice walk to the Agra fort. The fort provided some beautiful views of the very dry Yamuna river and the Taj Mahal in the distance. We then took a peaceful stroll through the Shajahan park which led to the Taj Ganj area in front of the Taj Mahal. We ate lunch on a rooftop restaurant with a wonderful view of the Taj and also were able to watch pigeon trainers at work on the adjacent rooftops. We spent the afternoon exploring the magnificence of the Taj Mahal and stayed until sunset. The detail that went into the construction is insane. We then made our way to a local music shop which provided a free citar show. The citar player ... read more

Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh » Agra January 27th 2005

Our adventures have continued in a very touristy fashion over the last few days. We hopped a train to Agra to see all the must-sees of India, including the Taj Mahal..and then many many other palaces, ruins, temples. Our drives around the city were sprinkled with some of the filthiest sites we've seen and some of the most persistent touts and beggars. But the Taj was a very redeeming element of the city. It's been good to experience this, but we are grateful to have experiences like the Himalayas to contrast it with. We now sit in Jaipur, Jodhpur is next, followed by Bombay and Goa. Stay tuned for more adventures, and check out the newly added photos in the previous entries.... read more
Brett and Graham at the Taj

Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh » Agra January 24th 2005

Well this was the most spectacular and beautiful place on earth (so far at least anyway!) James and I spent ages wandering round the Taj Mahal trying to describe it so we could then let you know what it was like. But we just cannot describe the breath taking beauty and peacefulness of this incredible monument of love. We enjoyed this monument so much we came back again! So we saw the sunset on the 24th Jan and the sunrise at 6.30am on the 25th Jan. Which one was better? Neither they were equally as amazing and we recommended it to an austrailian couple from Perth and they took our advice and went to see it again(we ended up meeting them the next day in Jaipur!). We have included some photos of the Taj Mahal, we ... read more
Inside the entrance
Kings View from the palace
Cheesy photo

Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh » Agra November 21st 2004

Had a very full day. Started early at the Taj Mahal! Everyone told me to expect it to be smaller than I thought, but the good news is it's taller than 4ft! In fact it is very impressive, and the size seems to vary depending on what perspective you are standing at. Like Ayres Rock it almost seems too unreal to be real, like a superimposed matt painting in a movie studio! I always understood that the Mausoleum was made by a distraght husband for his dead wife, but it turns out SHE TOLD HIM... 'If you love me, when I die, build me a big memorial... AND NEVER MARRY AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!' (Which is less romantic somehow)! There is meant to be a black Taj on the opposite bank but apparently the Moghul's son had his dad ... read more
Me  still at the Taj Mahal

Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh » Agra November 20th 2004

Friday afternoon I took myself for a wander through the back streets of Jaipur. Note... If Quincy Jones Soul Bosanova is good for bopping through the doped up alleyways of Pushkar, Paul Okenfolds techno remix of the James Bond theme is excelent for surviving the mean streets of Jaipur. Though you still attract plenty of attention walking around the back streets you have nowhere near the harrasement you get around the shops, and people are more interested in you than they are in what money you might want to part with. It's odd, there are days of the week and times at night when I'm not overly keen on walking between my front door up the high street in Wigton to the Indian takeaway, but I never seem to have any qualms about venturing into unknown ... read more

Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh » Agra November 16th 2004

Will add more soon.... read more

Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh » Agra November 10th 2004

I am back in Delhi now after my little trip down to Agra, and quite a trip it was too.... On Sunday night I was feeling pretty odd having left the company of Sanjay and Preeti and everyone with a chance to finally get my head around things a bit. I had some dinner and then went up to my room and almost cried with joy to find an english speaking channel on my tv showing that classic Arnold Sharwzeneger film 'Kinder Garden Cop', awful it may be but it cheered me up no end! You can't really venture out on your own in the evening, or rather, you shouldn't, so I didn't. But I was quite happy in my strange windowless hotel room with curtains on the wall and Arnie on TV. Everyone seems to ... read more
So beautiful......
A happy Anna

Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh » Agra November 3rd 2004

The Taj Mahal is not the only beautiful thing in Agra, there's also the Red Fort. It was begun by Akbar between 1565 and 1573. It is situated on the west bank of the Jumna River, about 2km upstream from the Taj Mahal. Akbar built the fort of sandstone; his grandson Shah Jahan, the builder of the Taj Mahal, constructed palaces of white marble within the fort itself. Shah Jahan was imprisoned in Agra Fort following the coup of his son, Aurangzeb, and died here in 1657. Here are a few photos... read more
A pastoral scene
Denise 'praying'
Gerry in 'Women's Mosque'

Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh » Agra October 18th 2004

We thought the Taj Mahal restaurant in Lewisham, London was tasty, then we saw the real thing! I have to confess I shed a small tear when I first glimpsed the awesome sight of the Taj Mahal. Built by a Mughal Emperor in honour of his much beloved wife who died giving birth to their 14th child. Denise asked me what I would build her if she died, I assured her I would complete the conservatory at the back of our house she keeps talking about!... read more
Mother and daughter
The Taj Mahal
Gardens of the Taj Mahal

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