day 6

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Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaisalmer
December 13th 2007
Published: July 20th 2008
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WOOHOO!!! We have changed our plans.
We have decided not to go to Ahmadabad//Indore//Mandu; we are going to Goa for a couple of days instead. Not sure where in Goa but were going... DK wanted to go to Mandu and in order to get there we had to go to Ahmadabad, train to Indore and then 5 hours in a car or bus to Mandu. After our last car journey we couldn't face it so this morning decided to change our plans. We have spent most of the morning sorting this out.Raj at the hotel recommends we go to FORT VIEW TRAVEL... It looks like dodgy travel dot com as its literally a desk and a couple of computers but it seems busy enough so got to take the chance I'm sure you can appreciate I'm a little nervous about getting a ticket after the flight thing.We managed to get some money back as well - as we had booked our train tickets on the internet we cancelled them and got the money credited back on the card no problem. Also, we got the money back on the hotels that we had paid for upfront. The flight has cost us a little more than we would have liked but hey ho! Were doing it and I can't wait... The travel agent has given us a number of flight options so we go to the German Bakery for cake and coffee whist we decide what to do. How great is this place. We are in Jaisalmer in a German bakery eating English apple pie(DK) and cinnamon Danish (me) served by a Nepalese man... 😊 The coffee is good as well. Our original plan after we left Udaipur was to get to Mandu so now we leave Udaipur and go to Mumbai and then Goa. The downside is that our flight gets into Mumbai at 5pm and the flight doesn't leave for Goa until about 05.45am. We can either get a hotel when we get to Mumbai or spend the night in the airport... Don't know yet what were going to do. On a slightly different note we met a Swedish guy yesterday who kept asking our advice on where to go in Jaisalmer.We have no idea but told him our plans. He was thinking of going to a reservoir or something I said we could see it from our room it looks rubbish.... This morning I found out that its a water treatment site I can see Whoops! Sorry Mr Swedish guy... BTW Weather better today,goodnews me thinks. I'm now sat on the balcony looking at our new tickets I hope they actually work!!!
After sorting out our tickets we went for a walk round the street outside the fort its really good. We walked through the market; it never ceases to amaze me the care thats taken on displaying the fruit and veg.
Hee last night we worked out that all the time we were in Amritsar (barring the hotel) we spent about 10.00. Can you believe it?! Oh and another thing I may not have mentioned Hows this for technology at the border closing you dont get flogged post cards it DVDs of the closing ceremony. I also just remembered the man in Amritsar saying safe journey and waving us off in the taxi to the airport.If only we had known at that point what we were going to be up against. Ah well....
Oh today DK got butted by a cow which I must admit was the funniest thing I had seen for ages. We were walking round the streets inside the fort and passed this cow, for some reason it decided it didnt like DK so turned round and butted his ass... Laughed for ages (in fact I¡¦m still laughing now).
Went to Saffron for dinner tonight. Very nice. Veg kebab, veg patties, veg dopiaza &veg pilau (ooo there's a veg theme here) Oh and naan bread. Then we had banana lassi all for 520rps WHOOP! Walked back to the room and just chilled out. Very nice.


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