day 4

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Asia » India » Punjab » Amritsar
December 11th 2007
Published: July 20th 2008
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Up at 4.15am to get to Amritsar International Airport. Which is like the smallest airport in the world but dead smart I like it. Were flying to Delhi today, it's raining as we leave Amritsar so here hoping we come into some good weather. As were sat on the smallest plane in the world eating our breakfast (cheese sarnies, crisps and juice) the pilot comes along and talks to us! Bonus, I've never talked to a pilot before. He was from Venezuela and working in India on a 5 year contract. (And yes the thought did go through my mind, if he is talking to us who is flying the plane... hee hee hee.) Pretty turbulent flight, couldn't see bugger all out the windows it was really foggy God knows how he landed but he did 😊 yey for the pilot!!!
Whilst DK is collecting our bags I go to the Air India desk to see where we get our next flight from only to be told that it doesn't exist... *W*T*F *Of course it exists I have tickets. Erm actually that means bugger all. The flight doesn't exist we have been sold tickets on false pretences Air India do not fly to Jaisalmer. At this point DK has come to the desk yet so I cannot wait to tell him this 😞 DK comes over to the desk expecting me to tell him that were on our way to Jaisalmer... Oh dear! he is going to be so disappointed. And yes he was. Fair play to Air India they rang some people and got us on a flight to Jodhpur from there we can make our way to Jaisalmer. And they rang our hotel in Jaisalmer to let them know what had happened and let them know we wouldn't be at Jaisalmer Airport... Not today anyway. The feeling I had in Delhi when we had no money, well it's pretty much here again, I'm such a wuss. So we get the courtesy bus to Terminal 1 to get the flight to Jodhpur. I will never forget this flight number as long as I live IC0471... If ever you travel around India - do not get this flight!!!Read on and you will see why. So the lovely people of Air India put us on the flight to Jodhpur its only 20 minutes late taking off so quite happy with that. OOO! get food on this flight it's only a 45 minute flight but we get sarnies, crisp, samosa cake and juice... mm Im happy. Half way through this flight an announcement is made that we aren't landing at Jodhpur the weather is too bad going straight to Udaipur... *W*T*F* DOUBLE *W*T*F* . Everyone is kicking off especially the young lad in front of us, who rings his dad mid flight who is waiting for him at Jodhpur airport his dad tells him the weather is lovely... So it goes a bit mental to say the least. The flight path is Delhi Jodhpur Udaipur Mumbai (remember that) When we land in Udaipur we think about going straight to Mumbai, getting the train to Goa or something...We are really fed up at this point as you can imagine. Moving on.... We take off and go to Jodhpur !!!!! they give us more food I think to pacify everyone which seems to work 😊 20 minutes later we land in Jodhpur! This really is crazy. We get the bags and now have a number of choices. We are planning to come to Jodhpur anyway so we can either go to the hotel we picked, hope they have a room for us and miss out Jaisalmer altogether. Go to the station and see if we can get the train leaving at 11.15pm getting into Jaisalmer @ 5.15am or get a taxi 5 hours... decisions decisions... We decide to get a taxi OH! MY! GOD! To put it mildly. This is not the smartest thing we have done. Driving to Jaisalmer with a loony taxi driver. He nearly crashed within the first 10 minutes so the only thing to do was get drunk Erm no beer ok smoke lots of cigarettes Erm don't smoke... ok cover my face and pretend to be asleep !!! Ah that's the trick. There were a couple of scary moments, like when we nearly crashed into a cow, and then the driver nearly ran some people over - they were just the bits I saw.The driver actually was very nice, he pulled up at a few places just in case we wanted food, water,loo etc but we just wanted to get there. I think I counted down every minute, every mile oh god I aged about 20 years. Eventually we got to Jaisalmer, he rang the hotel for us and got someone to some and pick us up. When we paid with a very big tip (cos we got here in one piece) we asked him if he was going to stay but he wasn¡¦t he turned round and drove back... The tuk tuk takes us to our hotel SHREE NATH. WOW oh WOW our room is amazing absolutely amazing. It's like something out of Arabian nights; it's like a fairy tale. We go down and sign the book, talking to the owner who wants to feed us but were just too tired. We just wanna go to sleep. Go to bed CANT SLEEP! It took us 19 hours to get here and I now I'm wide awake.Thank Ganesh we got here in 1 piece... DK of course is off snoring within minutes.


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