We love Palolem!

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February 26th 2009
Published: March 1st 2009
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Our friends from Quebec
We came to Palolem, our first stop in Goa, with the plan of staying for a couple of days and then heading to north Goa to visit another beach. Well, we fell in love with Palolem and decided to stay! We have now been here for 5 days and still don't want to leave, however, we have a plane to catch on Sunday and need to move on to a city closer to the airport. So this is our last full day in Palolem:'(

We loved Palolem because it was everything we wanted in a beach, few hippies, although there are still a few (you can't really escape them in Goa.), a nice somewhat clean beach, good restaurants, and good friends. We were lucky to have met a great couple from Montreal and have been sharing many drinks, dinners, and laughs with them. We also bumped into (because it is such a small world.) the French couple we met back in Varkala. We've had such a fabulous time with them and it's sad to part with new friends but that's the life of a traveler.

To sum it up, Joe is very sunburnt, Sarah is very brown and we're

Cows at the beach
having a blast in Goa. Tomorrow we head to Panaji, the capitol of Goa, and once a Portugese colony, for a couple of nights and then we are off on the next chapter of our trip...Nepal!!

Additional photos below
Photos: 9, Displayed: 9



Joe taking pictures at our favorite sunset spot

Mingling with the locals

My henna

Enjoying some hooka

2nd March 2009

Love Palolem!!
Sounds like this is a trip of a lifetime and I love reading the blogs and seeing the pics. Sarah, I love the henna...Joe, I can't wait to see your tan. Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!

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