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Asia » India » Goa » Colva
September 12th 2007
Published: September 22nd 2007
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On our way to Goa we decided to stop off in Pune as a way of saving money. From Aurangabad we got a 5 hour bus journey and on the way we were treated to our first bollywood film, 'Hey Baby' basically an Indian take on 'Three Men and a Baby'.

We really didn't do much sight-seeing in Pune however we were excited to see the Mahatma Ghandi Memorial Museum. Although the information was sporadic it was nevertheless interesting.

We found Pune to be divided, on one half of the bridge it was like most Indian towns, fairly poor, dirty but full of character. The other half very contempory and western. People in the south of India seem more relaxed and friendly.

Whilst waiting for the train in Pune we saw some guys cleaning the track which we thought was particuarly odd until we realised that they were infact spraying away human excrement left from the last train...nice!!

Arriving in Goa we decided to stay at Colva beach, a small fishing village, thats managed to retain some of its charm especially as we came in the low season, its very peaceful.

We jumped on a local bus to Panaji, Goa's capital, to visit the 'Church of our Lady of the Immaculate Conception', basically a church representing Christianity. This adds even more diversity to India then we thought possible. However, the South is seemingly more Christian in comparison to the North. In the evening Becs S and Lindsay decided to take it upon themselves to give the local boys a game of cricket on the beach, very entertaining. We found Goa especially Colva to be a very tranquil place with a beautiful stretch of beach, palm trees, wooden boats and an array of sea creatures (star fish, jelly fish and crabs to name a few). As Colva was such a small village it gave us the opportunity to relax and it was really nice to just stroll along the beach taking in the sights, smells and sounds at a leisurely and less harrassed pace. Although, we unknowingly ate shark. Bec C ordered fish fingers and it wasnt until she'd finished that we were told what fish it was!!

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28th September 2007

Hi Becks and Becks - Grandma speaking! Having a nice weekend at auntie Lynda's. We have looked at your blogs on the net. Having a laugh at the men cleaning in flip flops. You look to be having a nice time on the photos. Lots of hugs xx Grandma. Grandpa speaking now - hello to you both. hope you are enjoying life - you look like you are. Now that you are in Thailand please send us ,more photos. Take care - love Grandpa. hello from Iain and Lynda - go girls. It looks like great fun!!!

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