Blogs from Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India, Asia - page 2


Asia » India » Andhra Pradesh » Hyderabad » Secunderabad October 2nd 2015

Hyderabad The region of the subcontinent , today , known as Hyderabad in the district of Telangana , is very aged and dates back to the iron ages . Many episodes have shaped the character of the city and shot it to prominence in the last 400 odd years. Deservingly, the city has had hundreds of well illustrated articles describe its allure in manifold publications over several generations . Mine is not a regular tourist essay on Hyderabad per se . I will not be ( though righteous ) predictably waxing eloquent about the obvious locales like Charminar or Salar Jung Museum . My family has lived in that province for over a century . They have lived in the Deccan forever. So needless to say , we have a huge extended family spread all over ... read more

Asia » India » Andhra Pradesh » Hyderabad July 20th 2014

"All power is within you. You can do anything and everything. Believe in that." - Swami Vivekananda Primary Health Care: July 14-19, 2014 On our first day at CHAI headquarters, we were told that India is like 2 countries in 1. One country that houses the wealthy and prosperous while the other that shelters the poor and needy. It is a curious thing to be driving down the street and see a beautiful glass building that allows you to see the expensive cars for sale in it's interior right beside a row of shelters half caved in and homes made from tarps. Poverty is real. Taking the form of beggars knocking on your car window, children prancing around in costumes asking for money if you take a photo and cripples curled up on the side of ... read more
School children in the village
JMJ college of nursing
Planting trees for the "clean green" program

Asia » India » Andhra Pradesh » Hyderabad July 19th 2014

"Life, often literally, hangs upon these moments." - Florence Nightingale The day is warm and humid. Small droplets of rain dance around as they hint at a storm that is to come. I sit on the steps in front of the three-bed guest room I have been sharing with two other new graduate nurses from Canada. As I look out into the courtyard I see young, quiet girls walking past in groups of two and three. Some pause to wave, say the Hindu greeting "Namaste" or just smile in my general direction; others say nothing at all but continue on their way to keep up with the strict daily schedule. There are many requirements of an Indian nurse. During her studies, she (or he - we saw a very few male students) has a schedule from ... read more
Saris and scrubs
Photo Campaign
India Needs Femanism

Asia » India » Andhra Pradesh » Hyderabad » Secunderabad July 13th 2014

"People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centred. Love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway. The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds. Think big anyway. People favour underdogs but follow only top dogs. Fight for a few underdogs anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway. People really need help but may attack you if you do help them. Help people anyway. Give the world the best you have and you’ll ... read more
Gurukulapatashala School
Streets of Hyderabad
Urban Primary Health Center

Asia » India » Andhra Pradesh » Hyderabad » Banjara Hills May 8th 2014

Hi all arrived here in the early hours of Tuesday morning, half an hour away from my lovely hotel. Didn't take in much on the way there except that I was aware of lots on new building sites and road works. Took a tuk tuk in the morning to see the surrounding area. I knew the city was big as it's the cyber capital of India, but was in for a big shock. I could not believe the amount of people and traffic about, I have never seen anything like it, not even in Kathmandu! it was like something out of the wacky races. I am sure there are rules of the road but no-one seems to follow them. Five and six lanes of traffic all jostling to get ahead of each other, beeping horns,the noise ... read more

Asia » India » Andhra Pradesh » Hyderabad September 1st 2013

Charminar simply catches my breath every time I go near is definitely one of the most romantic places in hyderabad. There are just too many times where me and Babo have lost ourselves to this magical minar. If you are visiting Hyderabad and not visited Charminar, then there is no meaning to the visit - until it is a boring business trip :) This is the icon of this wonderful city. This grand minar shows no signs of slowing down to urban growth. The Charminar is a unique wonder and should be protected and cherished for ever...We recommend a early morning drive to the Charminar or if it is in the middle of the day, park your car in Koti and take an auto...or else be ready to drive in snail place, but General Nizam's ... read more
Untouched by Urban growth
Govind Anna's Dosa...
The incredible night market

Asia » India » Andhra Pradesh » Hyderabad » Banjara Hills February 22nd 2013

Hyderabad est une ville majoritairement musulmane. La plupart des femmes sont voilées (une grande partie complètement voilées) et donc c'est complètement différente de toutes les autres villes visitées. Elle a tout pour été une grande métropole (6millions habitants): un plan urbanistique exceptionnel, avec des grands boulevards, des bâtiments superbes, une rivière avec aménagement d'une promenade en dalles de pierre et lampes de style ancien. Les derniers 2 nazims (princes musulmans qui détenaient le pouvoir) ont été très humanistes et ils ont construit une université superbe, Osmania, avec influences architecturale chrétienne, musulmane et hindu, un hôpital sans pair pour soigner les pauvres gratuitement, des palais et des bâtiments gouvernementaux magnifiques. Sauf que les piles de déchets sont immenses, le bord de rivière est un dépotoir et lieu des égouts. Il y a un beau gr... read more
Le grand tribunal
Charminar - embleme de la ville

Asia » India » Andhra Pradesh » Hyderabad » Banjara Hills February 22nd 2013

Si vous avez entendu qu'il y a eu 2 attentats a la bombe a Hyderabad sachez que c'est vrai! Notre chance a ete de ne pas se trouver dans le coin, car on etait en ville. Nous etions en tour de ville, sur une colline a visiter un fort du XVs. Malheureusement il y a eu des personnes moins chanceuses qui se trovaient dans le cartier affecte, pres de l'autogare ou les 2 bombes ont explose. Nous pensons a eux et a leurs familles. Le blog sur Hyderbad suivra sous peu.... read more

Asia » India » Andhra Pradesh » Hyderabad October 2nd 2012

Crashes, blood, and train-chases. All makings for a good action-adventure movie, right? I'll let you decide. This movie idea (which is based off of a true story, mind you), is something I call "Hungry in Hyderabad." But it doesn't start in Hyderabad, see; it starts in the far-off town of Hampi, where there are now only four intrepid travellers (three Americans and one German). It's their last day in Hampi, and the German (who I will call "Pete"), decides to celebrate his birthday by renting a motorbike and zooming around the countryside looking at far-off ruins. While he's gone, "Bits," "Al," and "Lyn" feel a false sense of security and go about their day shopping, writing postcards, and getting over sunburn headaches from the previous day. Al is especially burnt, and the locals ask her why ... read more
Mickey-D's and Cake

Asia » India » Andhra Pradesh » Hyderabad » Banjara Hills April 14th 2012

Hyderabad Blues A family Holiday after almost 2 years!!It was due ..rather overdue!Last time we went out on a holiday was in September 2009 to Pittsburgh,USA.Then Nam got pregnant,Sai was born in October 2010 and all the time till end of 2011 went in seeing her grow to 1 year. Somewhere at the start of 2012, we felt that now Sai is grown enough to take her out and thats how the idea of holiday started taking shape.Initially the thought was to visit Andaman & Nocobar Islands but then on 2nd thoughts, we felt its too adventurors considering that we have not see how Sai will cope with air travel & staying in hotel etc.Hence we revisted our choice. From office, I ensured that all things are in place and consciously selected 3rd week of March ... read more
Sarovar Hotel,Hyderabad
Hyderabad Identity - CharMinar
Chaumala Palace

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