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Asia » Hong Kong » Kowloon
November 16th 2009
Published: November 16th 2009
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We arrived at Hong Kong after our 3rd sleeper train. It took 20 hours! We got the metro to our hostel which was at a place called Chunking Mansions. First impressions....not great. It is a huge building full of hostels/flats and shops on the bottom floor selling crap/phone cards/ sim cards / rude stuff etc. There are loads of immigrants standing outside and hassle you for fake watches/bags and tai... Read Full Entry

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This is taken with our cool new camera (although its not very straight...that was my wobbily hands)

17th November 2009

Is it Marge or Budda??
Well what can i say! WOW!! the pics are brill i bet you are having the best time ever, Craig fancy loosing your hat i can imagine how gutted you will have been, but i see Jen has lent you her hat, nice, the hotel on the beach looks lovely, i'm glad you are getting some nice food at last but you didn't have to go all that way for sweet'n'sour/beef inblack bean sauce ha!ha! you both look very healthy, fancy meeting the two girls again eh! not a good idea to have a hangover when you are traveling the next day Jen, but i don't need to tell you that now do i? Was that a jewellers you were looking in Jen? The sights you are seeing must be amazing this blog is a godsend to all us back home. take care of each other and stay safe. Miss ya loads mam and dadxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
17th November 2009

Your travels
·Hello Craig and Jenny, your blog looks extremely good, your mam came in on sunday and showed me all the pics, she had to read it all out to me as my eyesight is not as good anymore, you are a very lucky couple to have the chance to experience the things you are, i hope you both are enjoying it yourselves and taking care of each other, be very careful and keep your eyes open for any bad people, your mam and dad miss you both very much as i'm sure you know, the weather here is very cold, not as good as yours over there, well Craig and Jenny take care looking forward to seeing the next blog. Fondest wishes. Sally
17th November 2009

awwww poor craig, u can get a new hat- a better hat!! jenny buy him a better hat. and yes jenny we have all noticed the food commentary :) and we expect it and we don't mind lol, as food always occupies a big portion of and your brain anyway so we just laugh :P...your blog-writing skills are improving jenny!! :) well done. miss you!! kat xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
22nd November 2009

Hi you ywo , HK looks brill!! Ive wanted to go for ages, I expected you two to send home these awful photos of the dives you were staying in but they are all really nice.Still eating lots of chicken Jen!! You will be growing feathers!Hair growing nicely Craig, you will be like the wild man of Borneo for Christmas !Keep the photos coming , my favourite one on this set is the one of you two together.Take lots of photos in Vietnam cos I will get there one day !Take care of each other xxxxxxxxxxx
25th November 2009

you and your new bud
in the picture you and your new bud don,t seem to be getting along to good ! in fact is he telling you to speak to the hand !!!!!!
25th November 2009

the traveler go shopping
hi kids jenny i know the buildings are high but you don,t need a parachaute !!!! yes i know what you are thinking yet another helpfull travel hint from dad !!!!

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