Photos from Yunnan, China, Asia - page 6

Unrated | High Rated (2.5)
Shangri-La Old Town
View over Shangri-La
Prayer wheel, Turtle Hill
Shangri-La Old Town
Farmland on the shores of Napa Lake
Farmland on the shores of Napa Lake
Napa Lake with monks
Scenery on the drive to Shangri-La
Yunnan snub nosed monkey, Tacheng National Park
Yunnan snub nosed monkey, Tacheng National Park
Yunnan snub nosed monkey, Tacheng National Park
Laojan Shan National Park
Laojan Shan National Park
Laojan Shan National Park
Laojan Shan National Park
Laojan Shan National Park
Laojan Shan National Park
Laojan Shan National Park
Musicians, Shiguzhen
First bend of the Yangtze viewed from the long march museum, Shiguzhen
Shaxi Old Town
Shaxi Old Town
Shaxi Old Town
Shaxi square
Temple on Shibao Mountain
View from Shibao Mountain
View from Shibao Mountain
Track leading down from Shibao Mountain
View from Shizhong Temple
Shizhong Temple
Shibao Mountain
Shibao Mountain
Tea tasting, Dali
Hui style dinner
Hui style dinner
Hui style dinner
Hui style dinner
Hui style dinner
Hui style dinner
Hui style dinner
Hui style dinner
Our tea
Drying our tea
Killing the green (stopping the natural fermentation process)
View from the tea plantation
Our raw tea
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