China Uncensored

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August 3rd 2015
Published: August 3rd 2015
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Soooo, knowing that China censors its internet access, we downloaded a VPN on our laptop before leaving so that we could access more stuff while traveling. Sadly, the VPN is useless to us, as it is completely recognized and blocked by the Chinese firewall. Google and Facebook are likewise banned in China, so the previous blog I started is equally kaput. In short, we have very little communication with the outside world (an interesting conundrum that I've never experienced before and quite frankly puts a lot of "big picture things" into perspective...#1stworldproblems), which just goes to show how much of my life is tapped into Google products. Go figure....

So, I'm going back to our previous world trip blog, which while not as user friendly as the Google-based blog, at least makes it outside the political boundaries of our current location. I'm not sure how many friends and family will be able to access this blog, but here goes!


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