First Shopping Adventure - Nanjing Road

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May 16th 2009
Published: June 15th 2009
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Jason's words in describing our first shopping trip in Shanghai to Nanjing Road in an e-mail to a friend. I don't think we will be going back any time soon.

"Carrie and I went to one of the many shopping districts in Shanghai this past weekend. Nanjing Road includes a pedestrian mall and the underground market (knock-off central). This was Carrie’s first experience with the pushy peddlers. They really do not have a good business model for the American consumer who prefers to browse at their own leisure. The down side of being American in China is they think we are tourists so every 10 steps someone approached us asking if we wanted watches, handbags, shoes, etc. I suggested we learn the Chinese phrase for “we are not tourists, we live here”. Carrie suggested we learn “leave me the hell alone”. She only barked at one person and he had it coming. Usually you get approached, I say no in Chinese (Bu), and they go away. This one man was very persistent and after taking many steps with us, the whole time I am saying no and don’t want in both English and Chinese, Carrie says “oh my God stop”. That was very effective. I am seriously trying not to laugh as I write this. I reminded Carrie at the time that the plan is to be firm but calm (shocking for me to say I know). However, it was effective at the time and now I find it very funny."


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