Kirsten's Side of the Story

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Asia » China » Shanghai
December 20th 2006
Published: December 20th 2006
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China Gardens!China Gardens!China Gardens!

So I can't write a ton supposedly...probably going to be the hardest thing about this little so called "blog". (Isn't that word so funny? I wonder where it originated, its like the word google so silly-shizer I'm already getting way off topic and taking up too much space-I ramble and apologize in advance) Ok after properly deterring all who are short on time, I speak to the rest of you. In true rebel fashion, I have eluded that little thing called jetlag and have picked up the normal sleep schedule of late nights late mornings that I had in America. Go figure. After getting up at the early hour of noon, I worked out at our luxury facility right down the road (blasting my rap music all the while which I think confused the chinese workers-they kept giving me very odd looks) then I got back to the familiar "chop chop Kirsten. Lets go. Come on. Kirsten stop talking. Kirsten eat later. Kirsten we have to leave you're holding us up." No need to tell you who that came from. So after showering (I broke the shower pump by the way-supposedly happens all the time) moisturizing, makeuping, eating, and basic stalling
Me in The Chinese GardenMe in The Chinese GardenMe in The Chinese Garden

Me+Creepy Chinese guy+cool chinese architecture-fam=Great photo!
for time to piss people off, I and the fam (minus Tyler who decides to be sick today) hop in the van and head off to "old Shanghai". After being the true tourist and taking loads of pictures of what probably to the average Chinese person is characterized as very mundane, I got out of the car and was immediately assaulted by lots of Chinese people wanting to sell watches and prada bags. We blonde Americans stuck out like sore thumbs. But I escaped the attack and made my way down the old, crowded, smelly, yet wondrous streets of Shanghai. You few readers still here are probably wondering where this picture was taken, which I'm actually getting to. After wandering the streets I eventually encountered the entrance to an old Chinese garden. Some of the buildings in the place were as old as the Ming dynasty (1200s) and I’m not lying when I say I got shivers standing there. It was here that that wonderful picture was taken. But after my history lesson for the day I got busy doing what I do best and went shopping! After trying my hand at bargaining (I for sure got jipped) and weighting myself down with bags of Chinese trinkets I made my way home to upload the day’s pictures and update you find people on my life here in BFC. (Don’t ask what it stands for-just know it means China). I hope you have enjoyed my rather long winded take on the days events and tune in again tomorrow for a shorter and in all probability better written account of the day. To all my readers out there, I salut you and wish you a most excellent day! :J


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