And things change again... *sigh*

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October 20th 2008
Published: October 20th 2008
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Doreen is Jean's co-teacher, and head of the English department in our school.
So... this afternoon we had the details of our move all ironed out, down to the day. Then tonight Jenny called us - apparently her in-laws decided to rent the apartment to a niece or something, and didn't bother to tell Jenny and her husband - which is strange, considering it's not theirs! But that's how things work here - the parents rule all!!! Now we're on the hunt for another one - keep us in your thoughts and prayers ok?

But some good news - Chris has been accepted as a teacher at our school, he will be coming to Wuhan at the beginning of January. Isn't that awesome news? For those of you who haven't kept up (LOL), Chris is like my little brother, we've known each other most of our lives. He's from my hometown in BC (Kelowna), and this is his first time traveling on his own. We're all going to be sharing an apartment, so our little one room thing isn't going to do! Anyways, we're so excited to see anyone from home, it keeps us going some days. So far 5 people in total have said they'd visit - Shar, Jason & Tara, Heidi

Sophie is Doreen's daughter, and is in my second Grade 4 class.
(hopefully), and now Chris is coming. We love you all!!!

This week is a big one for our school. We have a delegation of teachers coming from Sweden, they will be spending the week with us. We will be showing them around the school, around Wuhan, having meetings with them to discuss culture and teaching in China, as well as a banquet or two (possibly). Should be interesting, I'll keep you posted!

For those of you who are enjoying our blog - that's awesome! I just blabber really (I love to talk, I bet that surprised you all😉, but it keeps you all in touch with us. LOL Today I've added photos of those people we talk about all the time - Enjoy! And comment lots, we love hearing from you all...

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Photos: 12, Displayed: 12



Kelly is one of the English teachers - teaches classes by herself, no foreign teacher. She shares our office.

Jenny is my co-teacher, and fast becoming a good friend. We have the same teaching style, enjoy the same kind of movies, and love to shop. I don't know what I'd do without her!

Vici is another English teacher, and helps me whenever I have computer troubles.

Betty is the stylish one in the office, and is always asking questions about Western culture and fashion. She loves to sit beside me while I show her pictures, quizzing me the whole time.

Jonathan is an American, and teaches Grade 3 at our school. He is the third foreign teacher in our office (along with Jean and myself). He is married to a Chinese lady, and his Chinese is very very good!!!

Fanny is Jonathans co-teacher, and the grandma of the office. She is incredibly traditional, and acts more then twice her age. She has a good sense of humour, so we tease her a lot:)

What to say about Kevin? Well, it's his job to look after us foreigners, but most of the time he surfs the internet and eats. Don't leave food on your desk...
David & JulieDavid & Julie
David & Julie

David and Julie took us to an amazing teahouse - we sat there half the night drinking tea and discussing world politics.

Carole is a good friend of mine from 4 years ago - she worked with me at my old school. She is now the Assistant to the General Manager at the Porsche dealership in Wuhan. Gotta love connections;) LOL

HouWei has been a lifesaver for us. He is the best friend of our friends Amber and Dale, who got us our jobs. He calls me his sister, he's such a sweet guy. And very dependable! I can't say enough about him really...

28th October 2008

I stupidly forgot to add my e-mail to your list and was wondering where all your e-mails were... I decided that I will decide by January if I want to head off to China alone... all by myself... :(... If the offer for visitation still stands. I'm seriously considering it but am really afraid of being by myself. My friend asked me to go teach English in another country with after graduation haha, so maybe I want to see what it's like and watch you or something ;). Anyways, looks like things keep getting more and more interesting for you. Hope the issue with your money is cleared and you can stop worrying about stuff. Bye.- Sarika

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