Blogs from Guangxi, China, Asia - page 121


Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin March 14th 2006

On our way to Kunming we decided to take in what has been banded about as one of this areas 'must see' areas of China. We thought, "well, we've got a day to kill. Might as well pop over on the way".....It was stupendous! Literally meaning "Dragon's Spine", Long Ji is a range of hills that has been sculptured into extreme rice terraces over 80 generations or 2000 years. We went with a tour but as soon as we got within hiking distance of the terraces we ditched the tour bus and went it alone (well with some Mancunians we picked up). Part of the fear of staying on the bus was that we may be married to a local. Obsessed is not the word. We have heard of guides picking up commission on making their ... read more
erm more views?
and again

Asia » China » Guangxi » Yangshuo March 13th 2006

Ni hao! After thoroughly enjoying ourselves in Hong Kong, we were perhaps a little apprehensive about moving on into China. It is, after all, a totally different country (NOT), and rumoured to be one of the most challenging places to backpack around due the fact that no one speaks any English. What is said about the border crossing is 100% accurate. Getting through customs from HK is easy-peasy (Chinesey?) but once on the other side the English signs stop and the pointing, grunting and smiling politely begins. Weird huh? Almost as weird as the fact that you have to go through a border crossing...surely its like going to Scotland? Thankfully the bloke who sold us our tickets to Yangshou wrote information on them in Manderin. All we had to do was show our tickets to someone ... read more
A little bridge in town
Near the docks
Yangshou peaks

Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin March 8th 2006

There is a difference in visiting China as a member of a pre-planed tour-group, in a luxurious Mercedes Bus, while enjoying the comfort of Western-style hotels, and visiting China independently, contracted to teach for a year. The challenges are beginning to give me some thought. Having observed the extreme differences between Western life and Western customs from that of China, some observations and questions might be in order: Knowing only a few words of Chinese will envelop a whole host of challenges, especially in a smaller city like Taizhou. Unlike Shanghai or Hong Kong, only Chinese-characters and sounds provide information outside these large cities. From searching out transportation to the selection of daily meals, everyday chores should provide a host of new journal material. Unfortunately, it also conveys limitations, and it challenges personal independ... read more
The sun has set
The River Li
On the River Li

Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin March 5th 2006

This might be a very good time to speak in more detail about my time in Guilin, a city in South China, on the Li River. Throughout the city steep, beautifully shaped peaks, few more than 600 feet tall, rise out of the landscape. They are green and poetically shaped high-rises, that have given poets inspiration throughout centuries. Names such as Elephant Trunk Hill, Green Lotus Peak, Snail Hill, Penholder Peak, etc. evoke some creative images. Many of these peaks en-case some spectacular and accessable lime-stone caves. Though less tropical in the winter, the many trees and palms are always a riminder that this is the South. Life is an exiting mixture of the modern and of the primitive. Only minutes from the city, a water-buffallo will be sharing the road with a new Mercedes ... read more
view from hotel
No elevator to the top
The River Li

Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin March 1st 2006

Chairman Mao, Chairman Mao, yaaaaaaaaayaaaaaaaaaaaayaaaaaaaaaaaa. Arrived in Beijing this morning at 6am. Yip it was snowing. So it is literally freezing here. A cool negative 3 celcius. Ryan and I deliberated for a good three days on where to head next after Yangshou we went to Guilin for the day which was quite pleasant. Met this stalker lady who was nice and showed us around, crashed in on some art classes, people laughed. And then we decided to go to Nanchang. Gees, we got off at the train station not anyone could mutter a word resembling English. My mastery of the Chinese language was far better than anyones english. We wondered around looking for a hotel. SO cold. Ended up saying screw it and caught a bus to what we thought was the small town of ... read more
Ping Pong with the Ching Chongs
On Guard
Milk tea with pearl

Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin February 28th 2006

If there are any native English-speakers with college degrees, opportunities are available to teach at many educational institutions all around China. From private English Academies to State Universities, efforts are made throughout China to recruit English speaking teachers for 1 month to 1 year contracts or longer. You may wish to review my previous blogs for more information about my experiences so far with Taizhou Teachers College near Shanghai, and follow my entries as I continue to prepare to leave for China in May. In the mean time, permit me to post a few additional photos from my visit this past summer. I hope you will enjoy them.... read more
Chinese Wedding Photo
one-child policy
Visit with a monk

Asia » China » Guangxi » Yangshuo February 26th 2006

Woke up, did some refurbishing of our room. Walked to our new hotel and on the way we bumped into this cute girl we saw the day before at Moon hill. She showed us to a nice and cheap place to stay on West st (and what a street it is). Lan Chee? then took us to this noodle place which free of charge had pigs intestines in it. She was so sweet and even paid for us. Ryan and I decided that she has to be the coolest girl in the whole of China. We then met up with Yu Ling who took us on an amazing bike tour of the back counrty. She taught us some Chinese and I can now say, You are very beautiful, Thank you, hello, no thanks, byebye, its a ... read more
Chinese Chicken
The Last Supper

Asia » China » Guangxi » Yangshuo February 23rd 2006

Took the bus through the Northern Vietnamese mountains into China. Sitting next to this Norwegian chap by the name of Christian, he informs me that if I go into Hong Kong(which I was doing 2 days later I would need a whole new Chinese visa to get back in) I say "oh that's rather annoying" I did manage to stick about 5 swear words in between those 4 words. The reason being that China charges US citizens double that of any other country. So it ended up costing me over $200 for my two visa's. oh well, next time I shall know. Spent the first night in Nanning, I was really blown away by the 1sr worldness of the freeways(which are wider than they are in the states) and how much building was taking place everywhere. ... read more
Our BS scooters
Nice Crash Helmet
I am still such an idiot

Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin February 6th 2006

Hi, Now I am sure that I am in nowhere: it does not exist in the drop down list above so I chose Guilin... Anyhow, I am in Guiang, the capital of Guinzou province. The last few days were full of Chinese people and very few western tourists. After visiting Longshi, where the rice teraces are, I have decided to continue up north and to explore some more minority villages in my way to Kunming, instead of returning to Guilin. In the Lonley Planet, this way is described as the 'back door' to Guinzou province where not many tourists do it. And indeed, I met very few western tourists but those few were very interesting (following). In the bus journey from Sanjiang to Kaili, I had the 'chance' to watch the bad manners of the Chinese ... read more
In Kaili
In Kaili
In Kaili

Asia » China » Guangxi February 3rd 2006

Hi, My next stop after Yangshu was the rice teraces in Longshi, about 2 hours north to Guilin. After the mingling failure at Yangshou (see last story), I was eager to try again to mingle. So I was so happy when on the bus to Logshi one of the those ladies with a towel on her head (belongs to the Zhuang minority people), offered me to sleep at her place. This conversation could have taked place thanks to the help of a Chinese guy who could speak English as well. I was dreaming about me sleeping with her, her husband, the pig and the goat in the same room. When we got off from the bus, we had to climb to Pingian village by via a flagstone steps about 10 minutes. My future host, about 60 ... read more
Pingian village
Pingian village
In the hike from Pingian village to Dazhai village

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