Moon Hill and 'the incident'

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Asia » China » Guangxi » Yangshuo
April 16th 2008
Published: April 23rd 2008
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 Video Playlist:

1: The casting! 84 secs
Today was a day that wouldn't be forgotten for a while... at least by me (Dale).

After having a light brunch, we had decided to hire some mountain bikes from the hotel and hit the main sites of Yangshou. It was a easy (flat) 8km ride to the 'moon hill'; where we had a not so easy climb to the peak. It says in the guide book there is over a thousand steps but I'm not so sure. It was a fair few though, and luckily the bike lady (we think Rosie) packed us off with some water. Well needed.

We took a planned detour via a dutch run hotel 'the giggling tree' (don't know why either), and stopped for 'light refreshments' and lunch. After which we were back on the road and were heading back to the hotel after about a 20km round trip. Heading down a main but quiet road we passed a bike repair place, which for some reason both me and Ollie had taken notice of, even though it was little more than a shack. However, it was just as well we did as the inevitable happened; I was sent flying over my handle bars after clipping the back wheel of Ollies bike.

I felt unwell, but the bike felt the force too! It's front wheel had completely buckled. As Mark sat with me by the side of the road, Ollie carried the bike, about a kilometre, back to the repair shop to have it expertly prepared (1 man, 2 tree trunks, a lot of force). About half an hour had passed and although my arm hurt, Ollie came riding back with a wobbly wheel (to say the least) and we decided to ride the further 3km 'carefully' back to the hospital to get it checked out. After searching for the hospital and asking most people in Yangshou directions, we eventually were back at the hotel, dropped the bikes, found a map and set off for the hospital.

The hospital seemed ok, but empty. Not a patient in sight. We found a young doctor and he advised some X-rays. I had fractured me arm (Ulna) and would need a cast. Damn! After learning that even Chinese doctors understand 'that f***ing hurts', we negotiated a cast being put on. In all seriousness, we were in and out in litteraly 30 minutes, which all in all isn't too bad.

We were back, fed and out on the town in no time. It just meant I had a handicap when it came to the fussball tournament that night! Not a problem.

Additional photos below
Photos: 7, Displayed: 7



Reconstruction (footage may not be entirely accurate!)

Mark and Ollie anxiously wait outside as Dale\'s screams can be heard from within!

Tot: 0.153s; Tpl: 0.01s; cc: 5; qc: 45; dbt: 0.1054s; 1; m:domysql w:travelblog (; sld: 1; ; mem: 1.1mb