CHINESE MASSAGE...healing the inner Chi

Asia » China » Beijing
July 14th 2018
Published: July 14th 2018
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CHINESE MASSAGE...healing the inner Chi. She sidles up and strokes my cheek...from Inner Beijing to work...reminiscing she had had another Aussie boyfriend sometime before. My mate sidling up and whispering in my ear, "Be careful". But I whisk him away 'cause I don't object to the attention...her hand gently stroking my cheek. When he later returns advising there are pictures in t... Read Full Entry

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14th July 2018

Memorable massages
Having never been to China, I've never had a Chinese massage, nor humorous tales to tell about them. In truth, I've never had a massage here in the UK, but the one I had at the hammam in Taybet Zaman, Jordan stands out in my memory as a very hot and soapy one. I don't remember too much about the one at the Szechenyi Spa Baths in Budapest - it was so good I fell asleep half-way through!
14th July 2018

Memorable massages
The beauty of Chinese massages Mike is for many it is a way of life. I only touched on some in this blog but each are different as testified in my Javan Massage blog. Chinese may be accompanied by a hot bath, banquet or film...only Javan has an Intermission! Yours sounded exquisite, Thanks for commenting.
15th July 2018

Interesting topic!
It brings to mind a couple of my experiences. I spent the day touring the Forbidden City with a just barely healed broken ankle, so returned to the four star Novotel where I was staying and signed up for a Swedish message. The girl used oil and succeeded in removing all pain from my body. However, at the end she used sign language to ask if I wanted a happy ending. I was surprised that this would be offered in a nice western hotel. I said thanks, but NO! My second experience was the last day of my stay at the Marriott in Cancun. I had a voucher for a free message so scheduled it just before checkout time. Again, oil all over and relaxation. I went to my room which was close by to shower off all the oil. The shower didn't work...the water was rusty. I dressed with oil all over me and we flew home. My daughter picked us up at the airport and on the way home she asked what that strong fragrance was. It was sure great to get home and shower! Your pictures of all over China and Tibet are great! SO where are you and Denise off to next!
15th July 2018

Interesting topic!
Swedish massages Bob...with your Scandinavian roots why am I not surprised? But no happy endings? No comment whether I am surprised!!!
15th July 2018

Chinese massage
Hey Dave, you have been to China!!You did not tell me!??I am visiting the ethnic minorities in Guizhou province!! Never had a Chinese massage, one day I will try. Safe travel and keep well Bye
15th July 2018

Chinese massage
I hoped you would see this Marcos. I hope you are enjoying Guizhou. I am not in China at the moment but dreaming of another adventure in that fascinating country...and of yet another Chinese massage. When you do take the plunge I will be interested if to you too, it becomes a way of life!
16th July 2018

Tch Tch
I have a stick at home I can give you a massage with but there will be no happy endings! :) :) :)
16th July 2018

Tch Tch
Woulda, coulda, shoulda...better be careful ah...maybe I shouldn't ah
16th July 2018

Small details
I love all the descriptions and small details. Excellent blogging yet again. Dave
16th July 2018

Small details
Thanks Dave. With probing fingers it's the small detail that counts. A few icy pics to also make you feel at home albeit Chinese ice not Canadian tundra. We love travelling in China in Wnter too...fewer crowds...more Chinese massage!
20th July 2018

Head massage in Beijing
Many years ago I lived in Beijing for six months. One day I went to a hairdresser because I needed a haircut. I asked her if she could give me a shoulder massage. She answered that she couldn't because she didn't know how to do that. When she was finished she she washed my hair and then she gave me a very long and absolutely fantastic head massage. While doing that she told me that I was the first white person she had ever had as a customer. When she was done she didn't even want me to pay for the massage. She only wanted to get paid for the haircut. I tipped her of course. /Ake
20th July 2018

Head massage in Beijing
How good is that Ake!!! What I would give for 6 months in Beijing...magic!!!
20th July 2018

Massage around the world
Dave and I get a massage every three or four weeks. We've had them all around the world. We'll be careful in China... ha ha. Once again you've captured the underbelly of a country. You've experienced all that is on offer. I'm glad you didn't burn anything. Our worst massage has been in Vietnam and Peru offered one of our best. Both of these were by blind therapists.
21st July 2018

Massage around the world
Massages around the World, MJ. Many styles...always different. Did you have one in Armenia while we sojourned in the Piano Bar at the Royal Tulip?
22nd July 2018

This may be a little risqué to be my theme song
Your blogs are so much better with music. This one had me laughing and thinking about massage and gin and old friends. Oh and of course the infamous cheesecake monster :oP
22nd July 2018

This may be a little risqué to be my theme song
I'd usually give five ticks Anita, but for you, five gold stars. Your comment had Denise & I also laughing out loud about the same things. I really need to see you...maybe I could supply the music!
22nd July 2018

Blind Massage
I would really love to try blind massage at some point, think I've wanted that ever since watching the old Zatoichi movies as a wee lad. So far the opportunity hasn't presented itself though.
22nd July 2018

Blind Massage
Just step out and do it Per-Olof. Fortune favours the brave. I have just had a Skype with Dave & MJ (DMJ Binkley) and they have had massages all over the in Peru with blind sisters!
27th July 2018

I want exactly what you got except with a male masseuse, Laughing so hard, I have a tummy ache.
27th July 2018

Glad you checked in Harriet. As to your request...I thought the music video provided that ;)
29th July 2018

Massages of a lifetime
Good stuff here, Dave. Very evocative. It made me think how each time one steps into a new foreign room for a massage you really have no idea what exactly is in store for you.
29th July 2018

Massages of a lifetime
Your comment makes me think massages in foreign lands are a bit like travel Tommy...while you may like to drift off to must always be vigilant...ready for the unexpected...all experiences are different...but most importantly...enjoy the ride!
6th November 2018

All's Well that ENDS well (Until you meed Denise's stick ;)
Oh sweet Jaysus Dave, yet another funny detailed blog. (Due to a password glitch I've been locked out of my blog since Aug. Thanks to Jo we finally got me back in, whether anyone wants me here or not!) OMG those massages do come in all shapes and sizes don't they? Hmmm I was almost blushing reading some of them! Frankly I'm not a big fan of them even though they are cheap and wonderful in Mexico. It's just not comfortable for me, and half the time I get someone who could bend steel & I'm a pretzel before I know it. I usually leave limping with hair askew looking like 50 miles of bad highway. Not my cup of TEA-quila I guess. My hubby loves them & now I am not wondering why! The only person giving Al a 'happy ending' is me or I'd be much like Denise with that big stick takin' a round out of him! But your massage storytelling kept me smiling as I listened to your Mr. Butler. Maybe as I age with more aches & pains, i'll welcome Chinese acupuncture & therapy. In the meantime, glad to be back and reading your stories, massages & all. Your Canadian friend Sal!
7th November 2018

All's Well that ENDS well (Until you need Denise's stick ;)
Sorry to hear you were in the lockup, whoops, locked out since August Sal. Sorry you have not enjoyed the pleasures of strong hands healing your inner Chi. I guess like anything it is an acquired taste. Every massage I ask where in China the masseur comes from...always evokes a response if I say I have been there...the last one really got off on it...constantly whispering in my ear!

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