Blogs from Haidian district, Beijing, China, Asia - page 7


Asia » China » Beijing » Haidian district September 5th 2010

If you've ever thought of moving to a foreign country, there are many reasons Beijing would be a good candidate, and many reasons that it would be a bad. As a realist, I'll start with the bad. TRAFFIC. I mean, not that I haven't already mentioned it, but it must be emphasized. Second, unlike the friendly confines and grid based systems of my lovely hometown of Chicago, Beijing is setup in rings. Yes, rings, talk about confusing! However, there are many positives. It has an AWESOME subway system, and all stops are also listed in English. However, if you try to find someone to help you by using english, you will certainly be short on luck there, on the flip-side though, you will probably pick up Chinese (something I think will be very useful). Since my ... read more

Asia » China » Beijing » Haidian district September 1st 2010

Hey Guys! I'm here, well actually I have been for about 15 hours now. My plane landed at 3:45 PM local time yesterday, but as everything in China goes, it wasn't easy, and I had to wait. In fact rule #1- Never expect to get anywhere on time, well if you're taking a taxi and you're not a local. As a foreigner it took about 1 hour to get through the inspection line, and then getting a taxi that knew where I was going was a whole other problem in and of itself. I tipped him well in order to make up for my cultural ignorance. THough, I'm not sure it helped eliminate any american stereotypes. He probably already hated me for coming to a country where I don't know the language and expecting to get ... read more

Asia » China » Beijing » Haidian district August 23rd 2010

“Chinese police carried out another high profile prostitution bust at a nightclub in Beijing. The complex undercover raid, which involved officers singing karaoke for two hours while wired, resulted in the 79 hostesses being detained.” Funniest thing I’ve read this week in Chinese press! The heavens have opened - I never thought I would be glad to see torrential rain - OK, very British talking about the weather but it has been so brilliant to feel some FRESH air. Today I went out and about in Beijing wearing my flip flops because I knew the puddles would be so deep that I might as well embrace them Asian monsoon style rather than try, and fail, to stay dry. Well I said I hadn’t ‘done’ the Olympic Park so as you will see from the series of ... read more
Birds nest by night
up close
play in fountains

Asia » China » Beijing » Haidian district August 10th 2010

Over 15 million kilowatts (quote from newspaper China Daily) Beijing's power consumption on Friday, July 23 - the highest in the city’s history. Around a third was used by air conditioners You get the picture it’s been hot, hot, hot, but thank goodness the weather has finally broken and we have had some blue skies and proper sunshine and some cooler days, what a relief. (And for those of you who appreciate the perils of the hair straighteners needless to say my hair is not liking this humidity - as you may have noticed on some of my photos!) It’s the kind of weather when you can't decide if it’s cooler outdoors in the shade trying to find a bit of breeze or just staying in with the air-con for company. But many Beijingers, who may ... read more
mah jong
line dancing Taiwan style

Asia » China » Beijing » Haidian district August 8th 2010

The last few weeks of CLS passed in a strange haze, as we did very little sleeping and a lot of drinking. My host mother originally said that I had to be in by 10 pm every night, but on the last two weekends I ignored her and stayed out ‘till between 3 and 7 am with my classmates. Man I had been missing out! The clubs in Sanlitun were super fun. Gay night at Alfa had my favorite music and atmosphere on the dance floor. The oppressive humid heat and pollution finally broke for our last week, which was amazing! I also recall the night before our final, traveling out to our friends’ host families’ neighborhood way out in the past-the-5th-ring-road boonies where we drank beer, watched the stars (you could see at least 20!) ... read more

Asia » China » Beijing » Haidian district July 26th 2010

I had a brief departure from China, to Greece, via Abu Dhabi, to the island of Rhodes to be exact; crystal clear blue skies, sparkling sunshine, shimmering sea, swimming pool - you get the picture - moussaka, knives & forks, cocktails, a bath ! - all the things I don’t get in Beijing. But the real purpose and pleasure was spending lots of “quality time” with my family and catching up on hugs, which is the thing I miss most in Beijing. I have to confess we did very little - I have sight seeing overload in China so this trip was more about R & R and I was content to sit by the pool or swim in the gorgeous clean waters and sip a drink or two - iced coffee of course. It was ... read more
St Paul's Bay
up on the roof
old Rhodes town

Asia » China » Beijing » Haidian district July 1st 2010

Oh I went to the Capital Museum with our class and it was cool and my camera was out of batteries. It rained earlier today and by the time we got out of class, the sky was clearing up and we could see blue!!! After over a week of grey, I was so happy!! The rain must have taken some of the pollution with it or something. I don't know how these things work but remember that they were inducing rainstorms around the time of the Olympics to clear up the air?? The visibility was better than I have seen since our arrival! I didn't get the sense that there was nasty crap just hanging in the air, like I did yesterday when stuff 50 feet away looked hazy. So it was a good day to ... read more
Our street - Longxiang Lu!
Entering our courtyard

Asia » China » Beijing » Haidian district June 25th 2010

I came to China partly to ‘get out of my box’ and made a conscious decision to steer away from dance - that lasted about two minutes! The fates seemed to conspire to draw me back to my roots as I immediately met Guozhi and his dancer wife. This led me in a very roundabout way to find myself sharing a foot massage last week with two doyens of the London contemporary dance scene ………..bizarre. I won’t bore you all with the details but it did seem strange to sit having a Chinese banquet and talking ‘dance talk’ to Chinese and UK dance enthusiasts, in Beijing. China’s contrasts are strikingly evident in the artistic entertainment on offer. Not long after I arrived I was taken to the brand new and iconic National Performing Arts Centre. In ... read more
national theatre inside
underwater theatre
peking opera costume

Asia » China » Beijing » Haidian district June 24th 2010

Getting bad haircuts in a foreign country because you can't explain what you want has been a problem for some of my classmates! My friend said he brought in a picture of Brad Pitt and said, "I want to look hot like him," but it didn't quite work. I liked my cut though so photoshoooot!... read more
Pose 2
Pose 3
Pose 4

Asia » China » Beijing » Haidian district June 10th 2010

Some pictures around the campus.... read more
Dorm Room
Blue Sky (蓝色的天空?)

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