Awake before the rooster...

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Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap
March 9th 2005
Published: January 21st 2006
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Sunrise over Angkor WatSunrise over Angkor WatSunrise over Angkor Wat

What a reflection! Me and Penny.
Early morning start.
Sunrise over Angkor Wat.
Image stuck in head.

The agenda for today was to check out Angkor Wat at Sunrise. Hmm, that meant having to wake up at 4:50 this morning in order to be ready for our 5:15 bus to Angkor Wat. It was definitely worth getting up at such an ungodly hour to be able to experience seeing such an orange/red sun rising over the Temple...even with such a hazy/dusty sky. It's too bad that the sky wasn't more "colourful" but that's okay because it was still amazing. Especially the views over the Reflecting pool...thank goodness there is still water there! Sadly my pictures can't do what I saw any justice.

By 7AM we were ready for some breakfast. We trekked over to a nearby restaurant but of course not before encountering a lot of the little kids selling postcards, books and scarves. They were all very chatty and it is amazing the amount of English they have picked up just talking to tourists everyday. "Think about it over breakfast." They told me all of their fictional names. Harry Potter, Spiderman, Superman, Spider Boy etc.

Then came time when we eventually finished our
Atop Angkor Wat...Atop Angkor Wat...Atop Angkor Wat... I'm a tad afraid of heights. LOL
breakfast and we had to face the kids again. Of course they "pounced" on us almost as soon as we got to the "line" that they cannot cross. Then it was the usual "buy one from me?" I only bought one packet of post cards and they were all getting vicious with one another. Then they "turned" on us once we didn't buy more even calling me a "liar" when I didn't buy from them. Claiming that I said before that I'd buy from them...I deliberately said to each of them "At te, aw khun - No thank you" or "No promises" when they said to "think about it" but of course they try and make you feel guilty from not buying from them. Not a pleasant experience for sure. They all really need the money BUT I only need so many postcards! One girl..."I saw you first on the road and you say no thank you. Then you buy from him?" Then starts saying stuff in Cambodian...really upset. Then another boy says that I am a liar and proceeds to tell me that there must be something wrong with my mind and perhaps I am crazy. Meanwhile the rest of our group has taken off for Angkor Wat while Penny and I are surrounded by the kids. Help! Penny had about 3 or 4 kids trying to sell her postcards and one little girl suggested..."buy one from each!" It was a crazy situation. Thank goodness Holly came to our rescue. She said she's been trying to teach them selling techniques and not be so mean to one another. In the past she's seen name calling and crying. It's hard to say no to all of these kids but I can't buy something from everyone, right!

We eventually did make it to Angkor Wat and it was simply amazing. From the bas reliefs surrounding the temple to the climb up the 37 steep and very narrow steps to the top.

To be continued...time is almost up and I'd like to head off to the pool for a dip!

Hugs and stuff,


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