Angkor What??

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Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap
April 6th 2009
Published: April 10th 2009
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Siem Reap - CambodiaSiem Reap - CambodiaSiem Reap - Cambodia

3 days at the temples
Hello everyone, currently in Sihanoukville, Cambodia but backtracking a bit to tell you about our time in Siem Reap first as we have been too lazy to update you for a while!!
We arrived from Bankok on the afternoon of March 27th after a very bouncy and sweaty bus ride, the road to Siem Reap is notorious because parts of it are basically just a dirt track- although we were told improvements are being made!! We were delighted on entering the city to find that Cambodia does in fact have ATMs, having been assured by the slightly dodgy bus driver that they didnt exist and therefore we should take out all our cash in Thai baht and exchange it at his friends shop once we crossed the border- sounded rather suspicious and to his annoyance, no-one on the bus fell for it!
Siem Reap turned out to be a very pleasant city with lots of bars and restaurants and lovely friendly people. The guesthouse we checked into - called Garden Village seemed to be a backpackers institution as we ran into 2 girls we knew from our travels in Mumbai and a lad from the Cameron Highlands in Malaysia- the ''lonely planet'' world is a small one! Rob was particularly pleased to find that beer was being sold for just 50 cents a glass- so cheap that even Katie persuaded herself to enjoy some.
The main reason for going to Siem Reap is to see the famous Angkor Wat and other temples that are the pride of Cambodia and subject of many past disputes with Thailand over their ownership. The most impressive temples are spread over a 30km area, so encouraged by the fitness and enthusiasm of our new Danish friends (we met on the bus) we hired bikes and bought 3 day passes to the temples. It should be noted that on all three days we got up at 5 in the morning to cycle out to the temples before it got too hot and we cycled an average of 40km each day- we were very proud of ourselves although it wasnt without the odd tantrum on Katie's part!
The temples were as amazing as expected- as you will hopefully see from the photos and we had a really good time, especially on the third night when we all rewarded our efforts with copious amounts of Mekong whisky buckets in the Angkor What? bar.
We spent 6 nights in Siem Reap and then moved on to Phnom Pehn which we will write about in another blog as we have too many photos to put in this one!

Hope everyone is well,

Love Katie and Rob x x x x x x x x x

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