Blogs from Antarctica - page 57


Antarctica » Temp January 16th 2007

Hello again one and all and welcome back to the weird and wonderful events taking shape out here on the Antarctic Peninsular. There has been absolutely loads going on since the last update, apart from the term “day off” being mentioned from the boss. The building is coming on in leaps and bounds now, on the external side of things anyway so it looks quite good. Windows are in, 1 side of the roof is completely on and fully sheeted out and the opposite side is going on as we speak. So, the topping out party we have been promised will be going ahead soon all going well. New Years Day we had a boat trip organised throughout the bay and over to the seal colony with half our group going in the morn and the ... read more
Our transport awaits!
Base from the oggin
Sea Art

Antarctica » Temp January 13th 2007

Hola, I have been very busy and keeping my friends even busier. I missed my first flight from OKC, I was late!! I had this huge box that weighed 100lbs, I was bringing it for Berenice's family. I thought I had everything worked out, I went to the airport the day before and weighed it. When I went to check my bags they told me their was an imbargo on boxes to Guadalajara: ( I left the box with the baggage guy (big no no) Deby came and got the box and I ran to get the next flight to Dallas. I was on standby to Mexico, and thankfully had no problems. I took pictures on the airplane but I can't find them. My friends picked me up from the airport about 3pm and we haven't ... read more

Antarctica » Temp January 2nd 2007

First of all id just like to send my best wishes to one and all for the upcoming year and I hope everything you all expect it to be will be. So, Xmas and New Year over now on base and as it stands no real reason to actually have a day off from now until I leave at the beginning of April. Bugger. However great fun was had by all over the holiday period and as much as there was actually hardly any holiday involved we still managed to celebrate in style just like you would back home. Eat drink laugh joke then eat some more and drink loads more until you are physically sick. Then drink some more. Our Christmas dinner was absolutely amazing with the 2 crazy chefs, French Cyril and Sheffield Al ... read more

Antarctica » Temp December 23rd 2006

or or Ok so this is the first blog entry and is a little bit about where I am going to be going and how I am feeling about the whole thing. It will also include the list of places I am going and a little bit about me. So the trip is getting closer by the second as you can see from my countdown timer. I have to say it still doesnt real that I am actually really going. Even though I have the tickets now and am in the process of applying for my Canadian work visa. I feel a mixture of nerves, excitement and very occasionally sadness when I think about leaving all my friends and family behind. Still Its all in a good cause and that cause is me having a ... read more

Antarctica » Temp December 22nd 2006

Ok, so it isn’t actually that bad, or really bad at all for anyone else apart from myself. In fact, it’s kind of trivial and in all honestly, to be expected. The thing is, ive only gone and twisted my knee and ripped a few ligaments after what I can only say myself, was an absolute beauty of a wipe out while snowboarding on the hill at the weekend. The thing is, I obviously thought I was much better than I actually am and that it would be a really great idea to join in with a race down the hill with the boss and Jake, who, I must add, are quite good. The inevitable happened and the resulting face plant into the ice also managed to twist my knee and damage the ligaments. Doh! Luckily, ... read more
Headline Grabber!!
James Clark Ross
Footy Match

Antarctica » Antarctica December 12th 2006

We turned south out of the calm waters of the Beagle Channel — and we are in the Drake Passage, on our way to the Antarctic Peninsula. How can one describe the Antarctic? Words are inadequate, and photos don't come close to capturing the grandeur of the environment. So, this must suffice as rough sketches from our trip, four days on the Drake Passage and five days cruising the protected waters of the Antarctic Peninsula. On board with us on the MV Akademic Shokalskiy with us were the 24 Russian crew, an expedition staff of people who have worked or adventured in the polar regions, and 46 other tourists. The fabled Drake is named after the English explorer and pirate, and has traditionally been feared by sailors for its wild seas, where winds and waves can ... read more
All aboard on a windy Ushuaia afternoon
Waiting to go ashore
Going ashore at Devil Island

Antarctica » Temp December 11th 2006

well, its been a hard one this week. Already behind schedule due to the aircraft not flying on time and with the added bonus of having to catch up with loads of work, the weather decided to crap out on us!! Suprisingly the temperatures are not too bad here at all, hovering around the -2/+2 area yet when the winds pick up, boy does it get cold. So, what have we had all week? well, around about 20-30 knot gusts of wind battering us about as we clamber over steel work trying to fit the new floors of the building. Suprisingly, only 1 day was cancelled due to the winds yet we managed to get everything sorted out and stockpiled ready to attack the following day. The weather was just against us all week though with ... read more
Blizzard anyone?
Tea time at the caboose

Antarctica » Temp December 3rd 2006

Well, i have finished the first full week of my stay here at Rothera and i am absolutely shattered, with aches on my aches and cramp all over my body. OK, well im not that bad but it sure feels like it sometimes. The reason for this is that we have completed the first floor block and beams on the "New Bransfield House" and the only means for getting these into position is by dropping the 5 meter beams onto the steel with a forklift. After they have been put in we then slide them into position hoping that they will not get stuck. A rough guestimate of the weight of one of these beams would be about 300 kg each, nearly a 3rd of a tonne, or bloody heavy!! The other reason for all my ... read more
DC-3 and Twin Otter
Weddell Seal
Adelie Penguins

Antarctica December 2nd 2006

During my time in Antarctica I kept a paper diary. I am so glad I did, as the enormity of what I experienced while I was there is too overwhelming with hindsight, and if I hadn't kept a record of my thoughts and feelings as I was experiencing them, there is no way I would be able to convey them now. So, without further ado, I give you Emily's Antarctica Diaries . . . Day One: Thursday 23rd November 2006 We boarded our boat at around 4:00pm - our home for the next 10 days is called 'Explorer'. Purpose-built for exploration travel and with an ice-strengthened hull, she first sailed to Antarctica in 1969 and has been a regular visitor ever since. Following refurbishment in 2004, she is a pretty nice boat! I am sharing a ... read more
Day One: me on the ship
Day One: view from the ship
Day One: leaving Ushuaia

Antarctica » Temp November 26th 2006

Well guys, i have finally made it to the glorious sights and sounds of Antarctica yet again. After our initial delays stretching out over a week at home and then a week in Punta Arenas in Chile, the weather was good, the plane was fixed and ready to fly and our bags were packed and on board. Actually, our bags were packed on board about 3 days before we flew so there were a few really stinky people on that plane who hadnt changed, myself included!! The flight in was fantastic, flying over Cape horn and along the Antarctic Peninsular until we reached Adelaide Island and my home for the next 4 months, Rothera base. The cloud cover was actually really low for the flight in so we couldnt actually see all the sea ice yet ... read more
Cold Peaks
Coming in for landing

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