Blogs from Antarctica - page 27


Antarctica » Antarctica February 28th 2011

So on teh 28th, after another rough weather morning with no landings we finally got to make a landing / go kayaking in the afternoon. This was pretty exciting for everyone! Although it wasn't "continental" Antarctica and was just an island it was still the first time we were setting foot on Antarctic soil / rock / snow / whatever - we weren't really sure. The location for this momentous event was Petermann Island. So again we kitted up in thermals and dry suit and this time we were allowed to actually get in our kayaks. It was kinda weird seeing all my friends leave and head over at a much faster pace than me to the island. They were getting there faster, they were taking their good cameras, they didn't have to do any work ... read more
Why aren't you paddling?
Niiiiice Leopard Seal..
Group Shot

Antarctica » Antarctica February 27th 2011

So the morning of the 27th dawned with two exciting expectations: 1. Crossing the Antarctic Circle and 2. Our first landing at Detaille Island. This was the day(s) we'd all been waiting for. Originally most of us expected to be going to the South Shetland Islands first and doing the Antarctic Circle crossing right at the end of our trip as that's what the trip detail stated. I don't think anyone was disappointed that we were doing things "backwards". It was never confirmed exactly why we did it backwards, but I think it was because our ship had made a commitment to collect some personell who had spent 5 weeks restoring an old research station on Detaille Island. Since we also had to drop most of them off at Port Lock Roy later in our trip ... read more
Kitted up and ready to go.
Our life boats...

Antarctica » Antarctica » McMurdo Station February 23rd 2011

The following are links for science being done in Antarctica. Within these links are more links to more information. Science Programs United States Antarctic Program Science Summaries About the Continent The Antarctic Treaty Video Clips, Maps, and Images Educational Opportunities and Resources Research Opportunities News on Antarctica. Curious about the current research taking place around Antarctica? Have friends and family back h... read more

Antarctica » Antarctica February 6th 2011

Slept great last night, just not long enough. After breakfast we arrived at Devil's Island which is next to the much larger Vega Island in the Weddell Sea. There were so many cool icebergs and the island was cool too; so called because two hills, one at each end, look like 'devil horns'. We were the last group to go out, having been the first yesterday and our time was cut short due to ice floe around the boat. It was a fantastic visit though. A steep climb from the shore, the island was covered in penguins, as far as the eye could see! The Adelie penguin was fun to watch, collecting small rocks and depositing them a few feet away and repeating over and over, building a nest for itself. Then, when it was done, ... read more
An example of a tabular iceberg
First zodiac heads ashore

Antarctica » Antarctica February 5th 2011

Saturday at 07:50 I slept poorly Friday night; only until about 3am when we entered the Drake Passage and the rolling began. It's a bizarre, tiring feeling, thinking you're constantly going to fall out of bed. But I may have also giggled a bit (until I was really tired and it stopped being funny). My bed also makes a lot of cracking noises and slides side to side so it was a bit disconcerting. I was exhausted and dopey from the effects of the Dramamine but managed to drag myself to the dining room and eat a pot of yoghurt for breakfast after trying the rice bread they made for me - a very sweet gesture but YUCK. Others tried it as well so I know it wasn't just me! One of The Americans then took ... read more
Off loading the Zodiacs and doing a test run

Antarctica » Antarctica February 3rd 2011

Wednesday 2 February It was a rough morning. I stayed out far too late (highly recommended when with a local!) and had far too little sleep and had to be ready for a 09:15 pick up from the apartment. Oh the pain... Thankfully I'd had the brains to pack before heading out and made it to the airport only to find that the plane was delayed (which I hear is the norm; an on-time flight is supposedly a rare thing). I stayed awake by doing laps up and down the terminal and yes, I know the deal, no one to blame but myself, but I was dead on my feet. Totally worth it though! Finally got on the plane and am sure I dozed (most likely with my mouth open, as usual) and woke up as ... read more
Room with a view
New friends
Living in the shadows of the most amazing mountains

Antarctica » Antarctica January 30th 2011

Compared to the usual UK festivities, Christmas in BA was relatively quiet and relaxing. That is except for the fireworks that erupted a few minutes before midnight on Christmas Eve and continued for well over an hour. Although we had been forewarned, neither of us expected the city to turn into the war zone that it did. At first there were just a few bangs and explosions in the distance, but then the cacophony began. We sped to the top of our apartment block roof, where at 14 stories high, we virtually had a 360 degree view. Stretching into the distance we witnessed the cityscape bubble with fireworks - mainly rockets. The noise and heavy smell of gunpowder was both mesmerizing and magical. On Christmas day itself and with a friend from Hong Kong, we had ... read more
Damn BA traffic jams
Post Office at the End of the World
The Antarctic Dream

Antarctica » Antarctica January 28th 2011

28th January 2011 Day 1: Setting sail for Antarctica! This is the day that we set sail for Antarctica- and we are all very excited! The boat leaves at 4pm and we had a few jobs to do before then. First stop, get the laundry back and repack the rucksacks. There is no laundry service on board and it was imperative that the penguins see us in clean clothes that smell delicious ☺ We put our luggage in storage and headed over to the office to pick up our Antarctic jackets and ski pants…… the rubber boots we will get on board. Next stop, to the shops to buy proper gloves for Sid and I, and finally to the supermarket to stock up on cheap wine and chocolate to bring on board. At 3.30pm we walked ... read more
Instant friends - Isacc (8) and Peter (7)
On deck watching our bags being loaded.
Security drill -

Antarctica » Antarctica January 22nd 2011

Slumbering until 0900 hours, momentarily I think we've had an amazing sleep in, until rational thoughts sneak in and I think it's still 0400 Perth time. There will soon be a time when being consciously aware of two different time zones will wear off. I'm glad I didn't organise anything today except to get our hire car, do some food shopping and go to Antarctica. I jumped into the shower and ready to take on the day I simply couldn't wait to pick up the hire car. The kids and hubby were still slumbering when I left. The hire car place has a dial up service for the shuttle bus to their depot. If it wasn't raining I would've walked back to the terminal, but it was so I got the hotel's shuttle bus back to ... read more
Kids at Antarctic Centre
Little Blue Penguin
Christchurch Botanical Gardens

Antarctica » Antarctica » Ross Sea January 14th 2011

Well it has been three months without the Internet, but finally as our season comes to a close we get a clear signal. Not really much to complain about thou considering my location can only be described by GPS coordinates (Lat: -77.487 Long:171.567). Even that is not as accurate as one might imagine, considering the Ice Shelf is moving approximately 2m per day. Looking back on my life I would never have thought it would come to this. Living in a tent on the largest body of Ice on the planet. I had never even been snow camping prior to this experience. Yet here I am enjoying every minute of it. Last night I realized that I actually started to enjoy the ever present howling of wind and snow as it bombards my tent at 20knots ... read more
Castle Rock II
Ross Ice Shelf

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