Fiesta Time!

August 9th 2011
Published: August 9th 2011
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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Seregeti Fiesta 10

The event is called Fiesta. It is sponsored by Serengeti Beer and it is a series of concerts that happen throughout Tanzania.
It is put on by CLOUDS TV, Tanzania’s version of MTV and it is an annual event. Tanzanians save their money for months just to attend. The cost of a ticket is 15,000.00 Tanzanian Shillings (approx. $12.00 cdn). They not only save their money for admission, but for the Serengeti Beer that is on sale at the event.
The excitement starts at 4PM and goes until the acts run out. This year’s headlining act was Ludicris. For those of you who aren’t Hip Hop music fans, he is quite popular in North America. He is also an actor who starred in the movie, Crash with Sandra Bullock, Ryan Phillipe, Brandon Fraser, and a whole bunch of other actors.

I went with a bunch of people from work. I took my new HD video camera to try it out for the first time. Attached are clips of the concert. Don’t get me wrong, it was a good concert, but there is only so much Hip Hop you can listen to, and when it is in Kiswahili, you don’t really understand what they are saying...

We arrived at about 8PM and I gave up at 1:45AM... Ludicris was supposed to be on stage at midnight. I never saw him. Apparently, it was after 3AM before he got to the stage. I heard I didn’t miss much.

Approximately 25 thousand people attended the event. I wanted to upload the videos, but since they are of people performing, I don't have the rights and don't want to get sued... Hope you understand. Trust me it was pretty good.

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


14th August 2011

sing, sing a song...
Bob. Next, time to get away without needing the music rights. Hand your camera to a friend and sing it yourself. No one will know the difference!

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