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May 29th 2006
Published: May 29th 2006
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I know that it has been a few days but I have been going through an emotional adjustment. That being said, be careful what you pray for. That is the lesson that I have been learning lately. Before my trip I was praying that God would teach me above what I could imagine but in that I was neglecting to remember how much it can hurt the pride to be taught lessons. The last few days God has been teaching me and convicting me. One lesson that I learned is that laziness does not prosper. The lesson of asking forgiveness and how much easier it is to do it the right way the first time is one that will be learned over and over again. I believe that God makes asking forgiveness hard because He wants us to learn to do it right the first time. I guess when I asked to learn I was not intending to learn life lessons particularly but to learn about the area and the people and the country and matters like that but I am only getting a taste of what is in store for me. I have also learned through praying for more love that I have a very hard heart and some things that incorporates are very hard to change. I know that it will all be a blessing and I continue to ask for diligence, discipline, and determination in all things. It is also a whole lot different to have a schedule other than my own. I am used to having the ‘to do list’ of what I have to do while being in college and the freedom there is not to be taken for granted. I do know that but I did not realize what it is like to be taken away. I also knew that it would be difficult down here socially. There is no one my own age that I can fellowship with and even if there was our cultures are very different. I consider times like these to be a test to strengthen my relationship with my Father as this relationship should be the most important about ALL things, but this is another lesson that must be learned time and time again. I am missing all of you and the times that we spend together, they do say that absence makes the heart grow stronger and I do now more than ever believe this to be true.
Ecclesiastes 9:10
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going.
Yesterday and today were pleasant. There were more people in church yesterday which is always an encouragement. The farm ministry was also well attended. Afterward I took a picture of the whole class and all of the children like to see them and they absolutely love to have their picture taken. They all crowd around and pose and such, it is cute. We went to the town coffee house afterward and had coffee and cake which is always a treat. Today I am feeling much better, I have had some time to sit back and have some time to myself. Today we worked around the house making food, cracking walnuts, cleaning out the cars, laundry, etc. I worked this afternoon in the woodshop which is an awesome opportunity for anyone who is interested. There is every kind of machinery that you could imagine and possibly ever need for woodworking. The boys have had the opportunity to participate in activities in the woodshop but then interest just died. It does not seem to make a whole lot of sense, it is a great opportunity and it is free. Today I sanded down some little oven pulls, we take then over to Clarens and are able to sell them in a little shop there. I could also make some little stools or a plant stand or any little thing that I wanted really. It really is a shame that there is no one to use such a wonderful facility, especially at no cost. Today was a beautiful day and I was able to sit outside and enjoy the sunshine. The week ahead is to be a busy one and so maybe I will have more to say them.
2 Corinthians 6:18
“I will be a Father to you, And you shall be my sons and daughters, Says the Lord Almighty.”


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