
February 19th 2018
Published: February 19th 2018
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It was such a pleasure to be able to use my tablet and it's keyboard last night . It should help me to blog in a more chronological fashion .

Tangier is the third largest city in Moroc with a population of @1 million people. It , like the rest of the country , has been doing well in the last 10-15 years . Our guide credits the king for the development and the growth . The Arab Spring had an impact here as well but not with the violent element that occured in other places. There is a democratically elected government but the king has retained some powers ...specifically over justice and religious issues. Education has become a major focus as has the rights and status of women . This is good .

Okay back to travel .

Tangier is big and modern with apartments for miles heading into the city . The port area is all being developed with the capacity being increased for all manner of sailing vessels , commercial and private . We will be taking the ferry from there to Spain in March . The casbah though remains the same as it has been for hundreds of years , It is built over 7 hills and I believe the people have well muscled legs. This climbing up and down must be good for something. Our guide seemed to think that Barbara Hutton and the antics of the Rolling Stones were the most interesting things . Personally I enjoyed the architecture , the doors , doorways and windows. It is an interesting place.

The drive from Tangier to Chefchouen was most pleasant..We drove through agricultural land rising up to the Rif mountains. The work is labour intensive and large groups of people seemed to work each field. It really looked lush and the fruit and almond trees in bloom are a sure sign of Spring. Once in the mountains the valleys and small towns looked to be special . The people we saw, and continue to see ,appear to be content with life. Smiles are readily exchanged , dress is modest and neither do h nor poor . People here seem to think that it is cold @9 in the am and are dressed in woolen robes and jackets .I like them and would gladly take one home if I had larger suitcase.

Today we have had a free day and wandered about in the Medina and in the town . It has been quite lovely . Chouen, as the residents call it , has become a tourist location for the Moroccan people themselves and there are many white skinned tourists like us as well as Asian people .Merchants and restaurant folks are pretty easy going which makes it all pleasant.

Enough for now .Hope all is well with you and yours .

Keep in touch .


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