Blogs from Zambia, Africa - page 70


Africa » Zambia » Livingstone April 23rd 2008

The Zambezi and the glorious Victoria Falls are just breath-taking. The Falls themselves are the largest curtain of water in the world and words don't describe just how beautiful they are. The whole area is magical. Everything is so green and lush. Butterflies are in an abundance and it feels altogether other-wordly. Think Rivendell! Getting here was easy enough. We took the bus from Lusaka to Livingstone. I was very pleased we had organised bus tickets the day before. The bus station was heaving and we certainly would not have got a seat without our advance booking. Journey time was around 6 hours. It passed fairly quickly and was actually very enjoyable as it provided an opportunity to survey the Zambian landscape. It was interesting to see that not far out from the main towns and ... read more
Vic Falls, Livingstone, Zambia
Me at Vic Falls

Africa » Zambia » Livingstone April 23rd 2008

So we are now in Livingstone, so-called after David the Scottish guy. There's a statue of him and everything. We went to Victoria Falls yesterday which was amazing - it's one of the 7 natural wonders of the world, apparently (I'm so going to win pub quizzes and trivial pursuit when I get back). You get soaked when walking across a bridge so Ross and I donned our "emergency ponchos" which made us look like demented American tourists. We didn't get wet though, so it didn't matter. I don't think I can really describe the Falls here - when I finally work out how to upload photos I'll put some on. We stayed in a hostel called Fawlty Towers for the last 2 nights. I was slightly disappointed when the staff turned out to be helpful ... read more
Victoria Falls

Africa » Zambia » Eastern Province April 21st 2008

Well, it's the start of my second full week here; and I really enjoy it. The work is hard, but busy, which is good & I have my own little house and garden, which I love as it's my own space to do what I please with. I think that the other volunteers have been easy to get to know & are all really friendly. We are relying on each other for entertainment as there are no other sources really; no tv, no cinema, etc. Plus, you need to make friends quickly when so many people are passing through. Whether they'll be friends for life is another question, but it's fun to have the company whilst on the journey. I could easily stay here six months at least. There are things I miss from home; other ... read more

Africa » Zambia » Lusaka April 20th 2008

So we finally arrived in Lusaka after delayed flights and me almost being detained by security at Glasgow airport (managed to have a pair of scissors in my hand luggage). We passed through absurdly laid back security in Lusaka airport (people actually running towards planes to meet family members) into beautiful sunshine with a gospel choir singing. All very stereotypical but nice nonetheless. Yesterday passed in a haze of tiredness - we looked round some shops after checking into our hostel. Our room comprises a corrugated iron roof and what appears to be walls made of some form of straw. It's fine though, the beds are comfy and mosquito nets are provided. It felt like a joke when I got into bed under the net last night although no bites so far which is good. Main ... read more
Lusaka Freedom Statue
Massive Spar
Lusaka Bus Station

Africa » Zambia » Lusaka April 20th 2008

It is so surreal sitting here in an internet cafe in Lusaka, Zambia, editing my first proper blog entry of the trip! We have been planning and speaking about this for what seems the longest time and it's just CRAZY now to be actually here. So, where to begin?! Well, the flights were great fun... for me that is! Not only was Kerry setting off security alarms for body checks, she was (unwittingly, so she says) carrying a pair of nail scissors in her hand luggage which caused a fracas with one of the security guys at Glasgow International Airport cos it kept showing up on the x-ray machine but he couldn't find the darn thing in her bag. It eventually turned up in a box of plasters - tsk, tsk Kerry! On top of that, ... read more
James, our driver
Cha Cha Cha Backpackers
Sleeping under the all essential mosquito net

Africa » Zambia » Lusaka April 19th 2008

Lusaka and I'm at the eureka campsite 12km outside of town and the wrong side of town. The road from Livingstone had for a while the smoothest road I've been on, but then at Monze is was back to the bumpy stuff. Somewhere there's a tourist office, but I think its been demolished. There's no sign. For a change I've been in the company of locals on bikes. They are most friendly and very fast. A guy, his wife and baby on the bike rack were going very fast just the other day, of course on the other side of the road, risking it a bit with the traffic, the big trucks that make the potholes. And then I bumped into the tour d'afrique on their way to Livingstone. I was chuffed to meet them. They ... read more

Africa » Zambia April 17th 2008

Our other major activity in Zambia included a three day, two night canoe trip down the Lower Zambezi River. Hot weather, great river, Canadian canoes, crocodiles, hippos and elephants - how can you go wrong with that?! The highlight of the trip was the second night after dinner, just after the sun went down, we had a herd of elephants walk through our campsite (on an island in the middle of the river). We were only about 10 meters from a huge bull elephant that was feeding on a tree next to our dinner table. We stayed quiet and crouched as low as possible so we wouldn't spook the elephant. It's one of those unforgettable experiences! ... read more
Candice and Elephant

Africa » Zambia » Chipata April 13th 2008

A very busy weekend- know you're waiting for my 'Life in a convent' but thought ought to get this one down before I forget the details. Saturday I went to a 'kitchen party', which is like a hen party but after the wedding. Am afraid I haven't got any photos of this; noone was taking any and I wasn't sure it would be appreciated. However think would have been OK if I'd have been a bit braver. A kitchen party is a women-only party for the bride after her wedding. The invites specify colours and you have to buy a present of kitchen utensils using them. My bride was called Melody (!) and the colours were blue, green, black and silver. We bought some metal storage containers. The invite said 2pm so, finding out the score ... read more
Women's Catholic League
The youngest Stella

Africa » Zambia » South Luangwa April 12th 2008

Our first major stop in Zambia was the South Luangwa National Park. Our campsite was right on the bank of the Luangwa River and the Hippos came up into the campsite regularly at night to graze. It's only when one is about 20 meters away from the dinner table completely out of the water that you really begin to appreciate how huge these creatures are. We couldn't stop smiling every time we heard their noises; it's like living in a zoo (only way better). We went on a couple of game drives including a walking safari and a night drive which is supposed to be very good for spotting nocturnal animals including Leopards and Lions. Unfortunately we were in the wrong jeep as we missed the Leopard that everyone else saw; better luck next time. We ... read more
Elephant 1
Giraffe 4
Hippo 2

Africa » Zambia » Livingstone April 6th 2008

The final day of the holiday arrived all too soon - well, it was 06h15! After a breakfast of cornflakes, yoghurt and toast, we decided that this was Zambian cuisine at its best and went to check out. By 08h00, we’d unhooked the trailer and were heading towards the Victoria Falls. Before we’d even got close, the spray was incredible; it’s no surprise that David Livingstone was drawn to these very waters. Even at this hour, the temperature was soaring and so we stopped well before the falls to look at the view towards them. The Zambezi looked so calm as it raced towards the immense gash in the Earth’s surface. However, only a fool (or someone with a barrel) would even consider swimming close to such a torrent. Parking the 4x4 under some trees, Brian, ... read more
The Sponge Tree
Victoria Falls
Victoria Falls

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