Blogs from North, Sudan, Africa - page 10


Africa » Sudan » North » Khartoum December 30th 2006

There aren't quite enough words to sum up my experiences in Sudan. THe people I met, the things I saw and how much I learnt. Sudan really was an amazing adventure and although I was only threre for a short time, its an experience I wont forget easily. Sudan is a country that has little of poeple would call 'beauty', there aren't pretty buildings or colourful sculptures or anything with beauty. But what makes Sudan are the people. I met some of the kindest and honest peple in the short time in Sudan. SO many poepe would give all they could to help a stranger, even if they didnt have much. As with all counrties, Sudan has its problems but the people and true humanity makes up for all of this. I will miss the kids ... read more
Last day in Sudan with Leena the tea lady
Me and Osman at the school
LAst day of school

Africa » Sudan » North » Khartoum December 2nd 2006

The Wedding... Last weekend I was invited to a wedding in Sudan although it was not a Sudanese wedding, the bride was my co-teacher at school (she is from The Netherlands) and the groom was her b/f from Morocco. It was a great mix of cultures and languages of all sorts. I saw the bride first getting dressed and ready before the wedding, understandably nervous but at the same time very calm. Then we were on our way to the nile where the wedding was going to be held. The bride was ment to be a little bit late but we were early, so we took the 'scenic route' and drove up and down little side streets for a while until we all had enough of the 'veiw' and it was late enough to make a ... read more
listening to a surprise speech....
the food...MMMnnnnnnn

Africa » Sudan » North » Khartoum November 12th 2006

Let me tell you about what a day in the life of Miss Jua looks like. It’s 530 in the morning 'Beep beep, beep beep!’ My alarm tries to wake me up with all subtlety. That is, if the mosque next door hasn’t already. I really wish to respect other peoples’ religions and beliefs, but why it has to be practiced so massively and loudly, I will probably never understand. No mercy on the sleeping souls, who would like to add just a few more minutes to their sweet dream. Everybody has to wake up when it is time to pray. With all due respect….please: sssshhhhhh! I get up for a few stretching exercises to prepare my body and mind for the long day ahead of me. After a quick shower, followed by a fruity breakfast ... read more
Mohammad and his sandwich
Only 2 years old.....what a princess
I am a dangerous tiger!

Africa » Sudan » North » Khartoum November 11th 2006

I am writing this blog by Sudanese time (very late) For the holiday, I went camping in the desert with another teacher at the school, her b/f and another friend. It was great! It was 7 hours straight driving with short toilet breaks in the middle of nowhere. When we finally got to our destination (i still cant rememer the name of the place, no matter how many times Im told!) we looked for a good spot to camp. Obviously it was off the road across lots of sand, near a very small tree. So we started driving in that direction, all seemed to go well until the sand got a little TOO soft....and we moved slower and slower and slower and slower until we werent really moving at all. We got stuck in the sand! ... read more
cmaping in the desert
camping in the desert
campng in the desert

Africa » Sudan » North » Khartoum November 11th 2006

This is a short story about how we found Nemo while counting stars and listening to musical crickets hiding between the bricks of a true Sudanese house. On Friday Iss and I visited our friend Haider and his family in Kalakala, only half an hour drive from Khartoum. We were warmly welcomed and made ourselves comfortable. We joined the family for dinner. His mum had cooked a special dish for me, rice and vegetables, so that I did not have to eat my way around the meat, meat and ... meat! Thanks or rather shukran Mama Haider, it was lovely! I had a little bit of a culture shock just before dinner when I was told that I had to eat with the women and that Iss was eating with the men in a separate room. ... read more

Africa » Sudan » North » Khartoum September 25th 2006

I've been here 2 and a half weeks now and every week has a new experience. Last weekend we were originally going to see the whirling dervishes (poeple who go into a trace while whirling in circles) but after Racheal (other teacher at the school) met Ahmed, he convinced us that he could take us to some pyramids close by Khartoum. This was the plan for about a day. Then, we realised it would be too expensive and we didnt have the right type of transport. Ahmed then suggested that he could take us to a beuatiful waterfall by the nile. sounds good. But, its ok, we can go to the pyramids again, huzar. Unfortunately a day later, oh no we cant go to the pyramids, lets go to the waterfall instead. (Inshah'allah, if god wills) ... read more

Africa » Sudan » North » Khartoum September 11th 2006

well, im here....after the longest, most painful plane ride I have had yet. I made it here and all I can say is its bloody hot! My first impressions of Sudan are simple, hot! But its great there are so many people from differnt cultures Ethiopian, Eretrian, Arab, Sudanese, Westerns from all countries. There are so many more Westerners here than I originally thought there would be and in one place in particular you feel like you could be in any counrty around the world. "ozone", its called and its just as expensive as getting food in Western countries. They sell things like pasteries, cousoints (excuse the bad spelling) coffee, etc. Everyone one I have met has been so nice especially when Im not picking up any arabic (note: ive only been in Sudan for 3 ... read more
on the nile

Africa » Sudan » North » Khartoum September 4th 2006

Well this is my test run of using this 'travelblog' thing. I will write a disclaimer now for all typos and spelling/grammar mistakes to come in te use of these blogs. I am not actually in Sudan yet, but I will be by friday (hopefully). I figured as a self-proclaimed computer illiterate, I should try to figure out how to use computers and travelblogs before I travel. I am excited (slash terrified!) about going to Khartoum. All i have to say now, adventure.....*said in a weak high pitched voice with knees knocking together and teeth chattering* Disclaimer: No responsibilty will be taken for the appaulingly bad jokes in these travelblogs or the lack of laughter to the forementioned jokes. ........................... But wait theres MORE ......... No responsibility will be taken for grammar, spelling mistakes or typos. ... read more

Africa » Sudan » North » Khartoum June 29th 2006

Well, the thought that we leave for the airport in one hour or so left me with the realization that this'd be my last opportunity to write one of these wonderful blogs on Sudanese soil...erego...this. In synopsis, I: 1) came here to get enough research done to make up the contents of half of my article, something I accomplished. 2) got hooked on nasty black coffee, and pine for Starbucks and/or Cosi 3) Met some really awesome people that I had the priv of working with for these past 9 days. 4 of whom I'll be working with again later on this summer when I go to Paris and the Parisian suburbs. 4) Met a head of state. 5) Saw a great many things. 6) Have the consolation of at least getting a nice fat check ... read more

Africa » Sudan » North » Khartoum June 29th 2006

Its about 5:30am here (probably 6pm-ish for you east coast folks), and among the many things that I have done/prepared for tonight so far, the blog thing hasnt been one of them. Wednesday took us into two once-villages in southern Darfur, and that is about the only description I can really offer. It now happens to be Thursday here, which is the magic the sense that I can finally leave. It'll be nice to be home, to say the least. I'll be getting a job at FinCEN (a contracting company's division in the Dept. of Treasury). I got hooked up by my uncle with the job, so its good pay, good people, and lunches with the head of the Dept. of Treasury (his roommate in college and best friend), so it should be pretty cool, ... read more

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