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Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cape Town
December 28th 2006
Published: January 24th 2007
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I saw lions!I saw lions!I saw lions!

Evil Sarah hung me out of the jeep to ensure I got a good look!
This was my first time in South Africa and I was really excited about visiting the lions, but first I had to survive the dangers of Jo'burg! When I finally arrived at the safari (after scary Jo'burg) we went lion spotting and evil Sarah hung me out of the jeep to get a real close picture of me with them. He was looking very hungry!!!

Next we went to Drakensburg, the world heritage site, and up the Sani pass in a 4 wheel drive jeep. After 4 hours we finally got to the South African border and entered into the kingdom of Lesotho. Had to have my photo taken at the border crossing, cool hey!!

After the Garden Route we finally end up in civilisation and Cape Town. Today evil Sarah is making me walk up Table Mountain. After a long suffering 2 hours in the baking sun we are finally at the top and time to get my piccy taken again. This time with a view of Cape Town and Robben Island where Nelson Mandela was held prisoner cool hey!! Now it's the end of my trip and will have to head back to cold England.

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