Blogs from Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Africa - page 10


Africa » South Africa » KwaZulu-Natal » Durban November 9th 2009

Hello! *Caution this blog contains some sensitive topics I think this is a record, a new blog two weeks in a row! I had a full weekend and I am looking forward to a full week. While I didn’t have much time to sleep this weekend it was probably one of the best I have had here so I wanted to get some photos up right away. I will be adding more photos to this blog as I get them from friends but here is a start. I started my weekend on Friday with a Rotary lunch and then hurrying home to bake and frost 4 dozen cupcakes for the hospital Christmas party. A couple of my friends came over that night and ended up doing my hair and makeup before we went out with friends. ... read more
Little cutie at the hospital
Kiddo at the hospital
The kids waiting for us to get started with the party!

Africa » South Africa » KwaZulu-Natal » Durban November 5th 2009

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a happy Halloween I am enjoying seeing the photos. Things have been good here lately, calm and relaxing which is a wonderful change! My proposal has been approved by the second set of reviewers and is almost ready to go to the final board next week. I am still working on a possible change of location of my research but otherwise things are going well. My advisor just asked if I would like to go to a party she is having for organizations that received a grant from the Gates Foundation. Now if only Bill Gates himself would show up! I am have a full weekend coming up which I am looking forward to. I have a Rotary meeting Friday with the district governor and I am hoping ... read more
Doone Village
Doone Village
Graham and I having a tea break

Africa » South Africa » KwaZulu-Natal » Durban October 20th 2009

Hello everyone! Phew! All I am doing right now is taking a deep breath! As I have told many of you September was a very challenging month for me, to say the least. I am not exactly sure how I thought I could work part time, write a proposal, and finish my courses all at the same time! I also was dealing with some health issues which added stress. They say the only way to really know a country is to spend time in its hospitals and prisons, I guess I partially know South Africa and I am in no hurry to meet the other half! I am feeling really well now and I am enjoying a low stress October! My thesis has changed again, but I am really excited about my latest topic. My proposal ... read more
Outside the pool

Africa » South Africa » KwaZulu-Natal » Durban October 18th 2009

our last day in Port St John was slightly hendered by the rain. it began to come down very hard and it was truly pointless to walk outside.. it cleared off a little bit and we were able to walk up to the light house..which I have photos of and will upload later. Nathan and I took a koombi (taxi) heading towards Durban..we were planning to stop in Mzumbe..but I actually fell asleep in the taxi and we missed our stop.. so we just decided to gp through to Durban. Once we arrived, we contacted Norman and Betty, the couple we had met in Clarens. They live in Umhlanga Rocks, which is a nice suburb of Durban. They had offered us a place to stay anytime. I must say, Nathan has been astonished at how friendly ... read more

Africa » South Africa » KwaZulu-Natal » Durban June 23rd 2009

The Variety Show was on Friday 12th and was fantastic!! I'm so proud of those kids! Maryna filmed it for us and is going to send me the DVD so I can show you all :). I was however verrrrry disappointed with the staff (though you can't expect much better from them) as only four teachers turned up, and only 2 stayed til the end except for me, Samy, Kory and Jan. AND stupid lazy librarian Kenny Mafuleka - I had an argument with him the other week coz he started hitting kids in my class, and now he's giving me the silent treatment! He's running a cultural dance group and I wanted the girls to dance at the beginning of the show, which they were really excited about, but the stupid selfish childish man forbid ... read more

Africa » South Africa » KwaZulu-Natal » Durban May 21st 2009

May update Next week will be four months since I moved to South Africa. I cannot believe it, time has gone by so fast! I am enjoying every moment but at the same time I was in my study carell the other day thinking Gosh I wish this would never end! I am excited I am in the one year program, partly because I couldn’t afford two years, but at the same time I am so jealous of people who get to spend two years studying in this amazing program! I love my study carrel, the weekly seminars by experts from around the world, and our brilliant lecturers. I am learning a lot about life here in Africa, and while the last thing I want to do is put down the US, it is such a ... read more
District Conference
District Conference
Sleeping in the Park

Africa » South Africa » KwaZulu-Natal » Durban April 4th 2009

Hey these are just some fun differences that I have come across here in South Africa. Ill continue to add words as I hear them! SA words - American English Braai - bbq Just now - in a minute Now Now - right now Bakkie - truck Loo - toilet Jumper - sweatshirt Jersey - sweater Biscuit - cookie Crisps - chips Robots - traffic lights Berg - Mountain Cool drink/fizzy drink - soda Howzit - how are you? Bolocks - useless/stupid Lekker - cool Mealie - corn Sarmie - sandwich Takkies - sneakers Lift - elevator Boot - trunk of the car Flat - apartment School/matic - high school Varsity - University ... read more

Africa » South Africa » KwaZulu-Natal » Durban April 2nd 2009

Hey, Things have been incredibly manic the last 2 weeks which is why im only writing week 5 now. Because of our weekend to Drakensberg we didn't start work at the dream centre again until tuesday. On tuesday morning I woke up feeling really rough and I think I must have caught the stomach bug Malou had last week. I didn't want to pass it onto the patients, who have a compromised immune system, so decided to stay at the 'flat'. It was really strange going up to Thandi's room on wednesday and seeing someone else in her bed. Malou and I went to speak with Vincent (He's the person at the dream centre who's responsible for us) to ask what happens to patient when they die and have no family. He said that when there ... read more

Africa » South Africa » KwaZulu-Natal » Durban March 19th 2009

Yesterday, I set foot on my seventh continent, Africa! So now I can check that off my bucket list. We arrived late to Richard's Bay because the overnight crossing from south of Madagasgar to the east coast of Africa was our roughest sea yet. We bounced around like an airplane in turbulence all night long. The creaking and groaning of the ship was almost scary, as if it would break apart. Drawers opened and closed in our cabin and our water pitcher slid right off the table, miracuously landing upright so the carpeting didn't get too wet. Richard's Bay is an extremely busy port. They export a huge amount of coal as well as aluminum (which they and the Brits spell and pronounce "aluminium" weirdly enough), sugar cane, wood and paper products. We were the only ... read more

Africa » South Africa » KwaZulu-Natal » Durban March 18th 2009

Hello everyone, I arrived here in South Africa safe and sound and have started my masters classes as well as my involvement in Rotary. This blog is from one of my first big experiences here in Durban. Sawbona! This morning while drinking coffee outside on my little lawn chair I was hung up on two main thoughts. First I was thinking, lobsters are probably less red than the sunburn I am sporting. And a second more cheesy thought was how connected and inspired I was by South Africa, and more specifically South Africans on this beautiful sunny morning. Now the reason for my new found appreciate had nothing to do with the fact that my instant coffee seemed a bit tastier this morning, nor that the sun was shining the birds chirping and the monkeys were ... read more
bird of paradise

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