An extraordinary journey to....our HOMES

Published: July 26th 2020
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A school in Taiwan. Disciplined people somehow get it right.
“Indecision may come from an instinctive hunch that there’s more you need to know-which means it’s time to learn everything you can about the pros and cons of each option. You can continue on this track, however, only as long as you’re unearthing genuinely new information.” – Martha Beck

Last Sunday evening, CR once again positioned himself in front of a bank of TV cameras for another of his spasmodic, knee jerk diatribes. There is no doubt all he is designated to do at these moments in time is to read the script prepared for him by a small cabal of so called “Minsters of whatever” in his “Command Council” (is this not straight out of a Communist handbook?). Most South Africans know precisely who these people are. Don’t lose sight of the fact that a gazillion meetings have been held as these indecisive “leaders” seek consensus and I would imagine they probably forget the issue they are trying to agree on at some point along the way. On the occasion of this lecture to the nation, CR announced that all Public Schools would close with immediate effect for a period of four weeks. The question that has to be

The CHOP precinct in Seattle. How does the leading country in the World allow anarchy to rule?
posed is; to what extent were the views of epidemiologists, scientists, medical experts and the like, advising this Command Council, considered in this decision? Cutting to the chase alongside all this obfuscation, there is one key factor which underpinned this decision and that is the power of SADTU, the Cosatu affiliated Teachers Union. As with the 100 percent loading of taxis decision demanded by the taxi bosses, this “Command Council” simply caved in to the demands of this teachers Union to close schools. A critical ANC ally at the polls. The private sector is involved in a relentless struggle to survive with many employees making every effort to get back to work. Massive sacrifices with job losses, salary cuts and yet the Public Sector chooses across many Departments and Municipalities to simply shut down. No salary cuts or the like; on the contrary many public service employees are currently getting salary and wage increases. Is this self-proclaimed immunity from Covid-19?

Back to the school matter. A few weeks ago, the annual wildebeest migration was described to indicate how nature deals with matters of life and death. Bringing a school context to the migration story in Kenya’s Masai Mara region;

Inevitably law and order restores sanity.
it is likely that the massive confusions (herds) of wildebeest include many youngsters. Like their parents, they need to cross that crocodile infested river to find the grassy plains being watered by rainfall. Adding a twist to the story, the crocs have figured out that latching on to the young, smaller wildebeest is a waste of time. They are quicker and likely to escape and not much to chew on. They target the older, larger and slower ones for obvious reasons. Those young wildebeest also know that their growth, development and ability to survive will be significantly enhanced across that river alongside their fellow youngsters. But, sadly, some deranged “ranger/politician” group had already put up a fence to prevent the herd from crossing the river and doing what was essential to ensure their ultimate survival.

The decision to close public schools is not without major consequence. Some perspective always clarifies these contentious decisions. An eminent paediatrician undertook major research and summarised the background and impact very succinctly with a Shakespearian quotation: “To school or not to school?”. Some facts about Covid-19 and children; based on studies across the world, children are far less likely to be infected and less

The Zondo Commission grinds on. Eighteen months in the making and a R700 million cost to date....not one arrest or charge laid!
than 5 percent of all global infections have impacted children 18 years and younger. This number is less than 4 percent for children under 14 years of age. In South Africa this is significant as 28.8 percent of the population is currently younger than 14. Children have a 50 percent lower infection attack rate than adults who, on documented evidence, can infect 25 percent of people they come into contact with if infected. Of children infected with Covid-19, 20 percent are asymptomatic, very few need to be hospitalised and the death rate is estimated at 0,05 percent. The significance here is that this death rate is lower than that historically recorded for annual child deaths due to annual flu, chicken pox and being in a motor car on our dangerous roads. Spreading of the disease in a school environment adhering to all the prescribed Covid-19 protocols will be very low as children are not “super spreaders.” Despite all this global evidence in favour of schools being open, teachers drove the decision and somehow lost in translation is the fact that people in many other vocations are actually going to work. In many cases in taxis filled to capacity. It is

Politicians! Enough said.
adults not adhering to the widely publicised safety protocols who are spreading this virus. As with any decision, there are always consequences as described by this paediatrician who did the research. Most importantly the impact on a child’s overall education, missing 6 to 12 months schooling, can have a setback impact of up to ten years. Sounds dramatic? That’s what the smart educators are saying. In South Africa, social inequalities increase dramatically as almost 80 percent of school kids do not have the capability to access remote learning. They simply stop learning. Apart from education, the school environment enables mentorship, friendship, mental and physical stimulation. That all stops. China is reporting a massive spike in child depression. Here is something CR and his cabal probably didn’t take into account; with many in the workforce now going to work means that in South Africa an estimated 3 million children 15 years and younger will be at home with no adult/parental supervision. This cannot be good! The overview concludes that high risk teachers and children with comorbidities etc., need to be screened and kept away from the school environment. The fence has been built, the damage done and the lingering question now and into the future will be; do these politicians “unearth genuinely new information” in arriving at a decision or is it simply a case of capitulating to those who shout loudest? Time will tell; it always does.

On the subject of consequences, America is in the cross hairs of some almost farcical societal events. In Seattle, the mayor ordered the cops to abandon the East precinct of the city to appease protestors, vandals, looters whose sole objective was to clash with police in the wake of the George Floyd death. The mob seized on this mayoral weakness and quickly barricaded the area and warned anyone entering that they were “leaving the USA.” They named it CHOP, Capitol Hill Occupied Protest zone. A few things happened quickly; they ran out of food and then a self-proclaimed “Warlord” emerged out of the chaos. He was seen on CCTV patrolling the streets with an automatic rifle. He was seen handing a rifle to a youngster of 18 years. They attempted to grow fruits and vegetables in the local park with a sign reading “This garden is for black and indigenous folks and their plant allies”. I am not making this up, it’s real! Inevitably the lunatic media establishment (New York Times, Seattle Times) decided to romanticize all this crazy stuff with these sorts of quotes; “The streets smelled like the Fourth of July, as people seared hot dogs on kerb side grills.” The mayoress suggested that CHOP was akin to a “block party” and could ultimately be known as the “summer of love.” Reality kicked in, bullets started flying and black folk started getting killed by their own. Anarchy dressed in different guises always ends in disaster. The crime rate in this CHOP precinct rose by 525 percent in reported crimes versus the same period in the prior year. The mayoress, thinking clearly for once no doubt, then ordered the Police Dept to re-enter this “cop free” zone and dismantle the entire CHOP debacle. There are some seriously deep fault lines in the USA feeding off Covid-19 and the George Floyd incident. This is all feeding into the political power plays ahead of the November election and one is left wondering.

So, the camp fire conversation five years hence will certainly not be found lacking in terms of content.

An undeniable theme from the inception of the Covid-19 pandemic has been the role of politicians across the world. I suspect that many people in many countries have lost a measure of faith in their political leaders and this is probably mutating into frustration, anger and outright rejection. Many words describe the actions and behaviour of a number of global leaders; arrogance, disdain, dishonesty, stupidity, disrespect for citizens. It’s a long list and it would not be surprising to see politicians post Covid-19 having to answer in Commissions or Courts of Law for their actions which for the large part were out of step with the real impact of the virus, the destruction of economies and the total disregard for their Constitutions and people’s civil liberties. The world needs a new breed of political leaders who behave in a manner which genuinely serves the people rather than their own twisted and wicked agendas. The same applies to the media who in many cases simply manipulate the narrative to serve their own narrow agenda. Is this likely to happen? I fear not.

“Like any other matter of public consumption, bullshit is meant primarily to satisfy the hunger of its manufacturer, for you have to believe in your own delusion in order to make people have a share in it.” – Lamine Pearlheart


26th July 2020

Frustration and anger seeping in....
Hi Tim! I am always inspired by your regular, well researched blogs. I notice, however, that you are becoming more frustrated and angry in your last two blogs. Riots, irrationality, authoritarianism, polarization, fear, helplessness....are starting to dominate our world - literally, throughout the world. And you are, as ever, quick to pick up these resonating conditions. I empathize and sympathize with your thoughts and conclusions. Are there positive spin offs any longer? Or do we just need to hunker down, wait and hope for the best. No help from politicians!! We are fortunately, however, uniquely protected and privileged in our St Francis ‘bubble’, are we not? Such freedom and wide open spaces and relative safety and beautiful surroundings and friends and luxuries and opportunities and and....! We are lucky indeed to have such a nurturing environment - a little positivity in a world of chaos and angst! ?
27th July 2020

Hi Megs Thanks for feedback which much appreciated. I think we are all getting angry and somewhat disillusioned. The problem is we Saffers simply bury our heads in the sand and pretend all is good. Nothing wrong with that except one always needs to pay attention to what is really happening otherwise events swamp one. There is a sinister plan behind much of what Govt. Is up to. If you are brave and have time read Anthea Jefferys article " The Ten Year Lockdown" on the Institute of Race Relations website. I almost wish I hadn't read it. Let me know what you think once you have read it.
27th July 2020

Hi Megs Thanks for feedback which much appreciated. I think we are all getting angry and somewhat disillusioned. The problem is we Saffers simply bury our heads in the sand and pretend all is good. Nothing wrong with that except one always needs to pay attention to what is really happening otherwise events swamp one. There is a sinister plan behind much of what Govt. Is up to. If you are brave and have time read Anthea Jefferys article " The Ten Year Lockdown" on the Institute of Race Relations website. I almost wish I hadn't read it. Let me know what you think once you have read it.

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