Blogs from Cape Verde Peninsula, Senegal, Africa - page 17


Africa » Senegal » Cape Verde Peninsula » Dakar March 14th 2006

hello all! Hope this finds you well and having a good Lent. It has been a good week here. On Tuesday, for International Women's Day, I went to the National Gallery of Art downtown where there was a special exhibit of works by Senegalese women, which was really neat. Also I found out where and what I'll be doing for my internship! I'll be in Kaolack, a medium-sized city several hours from Dakar, and I'll be working with an NGO (non-governmental organization) helping provide microfinance for women in the region. Women can't get loans from banks here because they have nothing to offer as collateral (property titles etc are always in the name of the husband) and thus they don't have sufficient capital to start a project that could bring in some income. So, what this ... read more
my host family!
a Dakar street scene
In St. Louis

Africa » Senegal » Cape Verde Peninsula » Dakar March 7th 2006

Hello! I seem to have accidently fallen out of my life and stepped into someone else's - I keep doing all these incredible things! For example, Saturday afternoon found me floating around in a sea kayak - since when does this Kansas girl do things like paddle around off the coast of Africa!?! It was really fun. I had never really been on the ocean before except the ferry to Goree Island which doesn't really count. So on Saturday morning I met up with my friend Shanta (another MSID student) and we went to this place on the southern coast of Dakar and rented kayaks (3000 Fcfa for an hour - about 6 dollars). I'd never been in a kayak before but maybe we acted like we knew what we were doing because the boats sure ... read more

Africa » Senegal » Cape Verde Peninsula » Dakar February 26th 2006

Well, sportsfans, the Mauritanian Peace Corps Volunteers, also known as the RIM Pirates, have won the West African Softball Invitational (WAIST), held in Dakar, Senegal. Last Friday, at 6:00 AM, I and most of Peace Corps Mauritania loaded onto a bus and rolled out of Nouakchott, the capitol of Mauritania, for Dakar, Senegal. It took us 16 hours to get there, when it should have taken 10, but after 6 flats, a river crossing, and getting lost in two cities, we arrived at our destination in Dakar. Our lodging in Dakar was a club for Americans living in Dakar, called the Club Atlantic. It was complete with a pool, a view of the sea, a burger stand, and an oh-so welcoming bar. The first thing we all did when we arrived at 10pm was have some ... read more
Presidential Palace
public art

Africa » Senegal » Cape Verde Peninsula » Dakar February 25th 2006

Hi! I realize it's been awhile since I've written, but I have several good excuses. First of all, we've been keeping pretty busy visiting places and writing papers (we have ridiculous amounts of papers due, actually) and also a power plant somewhere isn't functioning or something, so there have been extended power outages every day this week (thus no computer) But to pick up where I left off last time... The American Embassy (well, actually we were at the ambassador's estate) was everything I imagined - green grass and lawn chairs, jazz music, coca cola with ice, and gentle spatterings of applause. We haven't actually had an ambassador to Senegal for some time but now they're in the process of instating someone. The point of the meeting was to give us advice such as: don't walk ... read more

Africa » Senegal » Cape Verde Peninsula » Dakar February 15th 2006

I was making this list of all the things I wanted to remember to write in my next journal entry but it seems to have disappeared... Anyway, things are good and I am content! I am learning a TON. For example, I learned that all of the pharmacies here are green-tiled or painted green or have a green sign - thus "the green pharmacy" is not a particularly useful navigational landmark, and I learned how to get all the meat out of a fish head, and that there are THOUSANDS of high-heeled pointy shoes only a 150 francsCFA (about 30 cents) bus ride away, and that nearly one in every three Senegalese children between the age of 5 and 9 has to work, and so on. I mean, ALL the time there's something new to ... read more

Africa » Senegal » Cape Verde Peninsula » Dakar February 5th 2006

hello! hope this finds you well, my life here just seems to be getting better all the time. Except for sometimes I do things and immediately afterward wonder why (for example volunteering to give a presentation in my theory of development class.) I don't know what came over me. The power goes out fairly often here, and it happened again Saturday night. Well, it was too dark to do homework so that left nothing to do but dance in the courtyard to the music on the little battery-powered radio with Anima and Valerie and the baby. And it was a good thing I got that practice in, because later I went to a soiree at this place called Restaurant Petit Dakar in my neighborhood. It started at 11 pm and I danced danced danced! non-stop all ... read more

Africa » Senegal » Cape Verde Peninsula » Dakar January 31st 2006

Well, Senegal just lost to Nigeria so they're out of the African Cup now. I love soccer, and I'm glad they watch it all the time here. I also love the bougainvillea that is blooming EVERYWHERE all over Dakar! I had thought it always had pink flowers but here it comes in all sorts of colors - yellows and fuschias and scarlets and peach and pink and it is beautiful. Another thing I like is the snack Anthone sends the maid out to get sometimes - they're these fried little pastry envelopes, like samosas, only filled with fish and I don't know what else, and you dip them in this spicy red pepper sauce. yum!! I also love my bed. The mattress is this big rectangle of foam and since the first night there has been ... read more

Africa » Senegal » Cape Verde Peninsula » Dakar January 28th 2006

Hello! Yesterday was my favorite day here so far. In the morning we went to an African art museum which was really neat and also a photo exhibition called "Dakar Etouffe" which means "Dakar is choking." They were photos of the city illustrating some of the problems of urbanization. Then we had lunch at the home of one of the people connected with MSID - a traditional Senegalese dish called ceeb-ou-jeen (I'm not sure of the spelling), which means fish and rice. The food here is REALLY good. After lunch we all hurried home to watch the Senegal v. Ghana match of the African Cup. Soccer is huge here, and this was an important match. Our Wolof classes were cancelled since they were at the same time as the game, and people were getting off work ... read more

Africa » Senegal » Cape Verde Peninsula » Dakar January 26th 2006

Hi! I forgot to say, if you want to send me mail, my address is: Christina Green, MSID c/o WARC, BP 5456, Dakar, Senegal... read more

Africa » Senegal » Cape Verde Peninsula » Dakar January 26th 2006

Hello from Dakar! This place is fantastic and I love it. We arrived early Monday morning and stayed at the guest house of the National Olympic Pool for the night (all the hotels were booked) and then were taken to our host family houses Tuesday. My host family is Catholic, although 95% of the country is Moslem. My host parents are a young couple named Anthone and Rosa Sarr, with a 15 month old daughter Carol-Louise. Also two of Rosa's cousins, Paul and Nabou (both in their twenties or thirties I'm pretty sure) live with us, and there are two live-in maids, Anima and Valerie, as well. They are all so nice! I'd put a picture on but I forgot to bring the photo software disc with me today. I have my own room, and there ... read more

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