Blogs from Etosha National Park, Namibia, Africa - page 12


Africa » Namibia » Etosha National Park September 20th 2006

Day 114: Wednesday, Sep 13: Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe to Botswana Today we waited around for Ash. The day before he was involved in a plane crash in a 1940's biplane called a Tiger Moth (I flew in one of these in Australia). Upon takeoff, the engine cut out and instead of heading straight for some trees, he banked right, missed the trees, but clipped the wing on the ground and turned the plane into a tin can. Both Ash and the pilot walked away (well, not literally, sounds like both blacked out and woke up in the ambulance, but both were released the next day). Ash has cuts and bruises on his leg, a slight concussion and 2 very black eyes. He's already in good spirits and will be getting an MRI when we get to ... read more

Africa » Namibia » Etosha National Park September 14th 2006

The flights to Namibia were a bit annoying due to having to stop back at Jo burg before flying to Windhoek. However when we got on the plain heading for Namibia I found I couldn't find my seat. After asking a studess she pointed me in the direction of business class where I enjoyed all the benefits of being an arse with others arses for two hours, really cool actually. When we arrived in Windhoek we were transported straight to our lovely guest house where we enjoyed a really nice shower and bed for the night. In the morning we were picked up and taken to the departure point for our tour in Etosha. The six hour drive wasn't such fun. We were in a bus specifically designed so you couldn't get comfy in any ... read more
King of the planes, Etosha
Springbok, Etosha
Sarah and me on the salt plains, Etosha

Africa » Namibia » Etosha National Park August 1st 2006

Picking up from where we left you guys.... We left Swakopmund on day seven and headed towards Spitzkoppe (which in German means sharp point). Spitzkoppe is named after the pointy mountains in the region. When we arrived, we climbed up a steep cliff (meaning we had to pull ourselves up with ropes) to view some of the oldest Bushmen cave paintings, which is about hundreds of thousands of years old (but we can't quite remember the exact time). The bushmen used these paintings as a source of communication from one tribe to another. They would mostly tell stories about the animals they killed in the area. It was pretty cool to see their depictions of rhinos, cows, kudu and of themselves hunting with bows and arrows. After viewing the paintings, we hiked around huge boulders that ... read more
Megs with African Lady
Himba Women

Africa » Namibia » Etosha National Park July 8th 2006

Endlich ging es zum Etosha. Gleich neben dem Eingan hatten wi Lunch. Ca eine Stunde spaeter brachten wir zu unserem Camp Okankojeo auf. AUf dieser Fahrt sahen wir bereits Zebrqas und Girfaffen! War ein wunderschoenen Anblick, so wilde Tiere einfach LIFE zu sehen! Das Camp war sehr gross und zum zelten eigentlich nicht wirklich schoen. Nach dem Abendessen sassen wir noch lange vor dem grossen Wasserloch, welches gerade neben dem Camping ist und man so bequem Tierebeobachten kann! Zuerst war "nur" ein Nashorn und ein paar Giraffen da welche am trinken waren. Ploetzlich kamen jedoch fuenf Elefanten und dann immer mehr auch mit ganz kleinen Babys! Am Schluss waren es ueber 35 Elefanten in unmittlelbarer Naehe von uns! Einfach atemberaubend! Kurz sahen wir auch eine Loewin welche herumschlich, diese verschwand jedoch wieder.... read more
Etosha Giraffe

Africa » Namibia » Etosha National Park June 4th 2006

even before the first rays of light begin to emerge, a friendly and sing songy "good morning" seeps in from somewhere outside the canvas walls of my tent, penetrating the cool blackness and confirming to me, in my sleepy haze, that the time has come to fully awake. using the light of my head-torch, i pull on a few layers of "safari" clothing and rummage around for the spot that i strategically laid my toothbrush and face soap...always a morning scavenger hunt, no matter how prepared i attempted to be the evening before. after a quick trip to the facilities and a blissful cup of hot, steaming coffee, i pull myself up into the open top safari jeep and slide onto one of the bench seats, joining the rest in our group. we are all still ... read more
"this is the life"
oryx, zebra, springbok
giraffe chewing on bone

Africa » Namibia » Etosha National Park May 16th 2006

Namibia Part II - Botswana Part I May 16 - 28, 2006 Namibia Part II Note: You can click on the photos to enlarge them - particularly helpful with the route map. At the end of Namibia Part I we were leaving Twyfelfontain (where we had been viewing fabulous rock art) and were heading to Etosha National Park, the premier game park in Namibia. We had been used to being in remote Namibia seeing few if any other tourists, but that was to end in Etosha National Park (May 16 - 21, 2006), as it is the major highlight of the area. A large portion of Etosha is actually a huge saltpan around which the three tourist compounds are situated. As in South Africa, the compounds are fenced in and tourists are not allowed out ... read more
Black Rhino
Etosha Elephant
Etosha Accommodations

Africa » Namibia » Etosha National Park May 15th 2006

From the packs of little baby mongoose and their mothers that ran around camp looking for food to working out by the waterhole before the afternoon game drive, doing leg lifts with curious zebra and oryx watching. Whispering around the waterhole at night while watching shy black rhino though binoculars, wishing my eyesight was better, Etorsha, the white dust. My eyes may never be the same with all that dust in my contacts. This is the place we first saw lion, elephant and giraffe. I helped track my first lion (by following paw prints in the dust on the road from the truck window - really not as adventurous as it sounds). Here we played billiards at the bar and you could hear the cheers of soccer (football) fans 300 yards away back at camp ... read more
Newborn Zebra at Sunset

Africa » Namibia » Etosha National Park April 26th 2006

Did You See the Cheetah? Carl and Harald were ready first and sitting in their seats looking blankly ahead as the rest of us crammed our tents back into the truck. “I can’t believe it, we’re actually on time. Early even!” Derick marvelled. “Yes, can you believe it?” I replied, feeling a lot better for my momentous outburst. Turning the key into the ignition, the truck spluttered over into life. Derick looked at me. It didn’t sound healthy. Two guards sporting berets stood at the rest camp’s barrier. Idly they leaned against the wall, looking at their watch and the ever growing line of vehicles anxious to start their morning drive. The Spanish couple in front had raided an army surplus store for their outfits and the French looking lady behind us had a thermal of ... read more
Those That Can't Handle the Morning Game Drive
Pans of Etosha
Pans of Etosha

Africa » Namibia » Etosha National Park April 25th 2006

Palmwag ‘Look.’ Derick pointed towards my window and there a hundred meters away ambling along was a desert elephant. Brown from the dust they roll in, he (let’s assume he’s a he) looked oddly out of place. His surrounding was anything but a desert. The desert elephant isn’t a sub species, they are just your regular African elephant. They just happen to have adapted to the dry environment by taking a leaflet out of the camel’s book. And the dust, a bit like sun protection. ‘Come closer elephant, I don’t have that much zoom.’ Hendrik was only saying what we were all thinking. ‘Come on elephant, I have peanuts.’ Derick shook his head as watched him walk away from us in the dusky light. Arriving at Palmwag (pronounce pa-lim-varg, meaning palm oasis), everyone pitched a tent ... read more
Desert Elephant
Giant Social Weaver's Nest

Africa » Namibia » Etosha National Park March 9th 2006

Leaving Maun we travelled north along the western edge of the Okavango Delta. A few hours later we were at Mohembo border, crossing into Namibia. Another hour or so took us west along the Caprivi Strip to a small town called Rundu sandwiched by Angola and the Okavango River. Except for the initial flutter of excitement at being able to see Angola on the horizon there was nothing else of specific interest here. A nice enough campsite though and a good spot to break the onward journey to Etosha National Park. Of course, day 30 in the Big Brother Truck included, as normal, the 5.45 am (said as Ryan would say it!) wake up call and all contestants had their tents down by 6 ready for breakfast (nowadays we've gone upmarket and stashed up on bananas ... read more
We stink!
At Spitzkoppe
At the Cheetah Farm

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