Proper animals like!

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Africa » Namibia » Etosha National Park
May 5th 2009
Published: June 15th 2009
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Day 15 (Tuesday 05-May-09, NJJ & JRJ)

Had a lie in until 7am. Benji had his battery jump-started again so we could leave at 8.30am. Stopped briefly to see the young giraffe who was rescued as an injured orphan. Stopped in Outjo, a little town, for an hour, had cakes at the bakery, picked up some bottled water and used the cashpoint. We were hassled by 'lookie-lookie men' to buy their carved nuts. On to Etosha National Park - woo hoo, so excited! Checked in at campsite. Had some free time before lunch and then moved on for our first game drive in Benji, opened-up the roof hatches and away we went. We saw giraffes, zebras, springboks, oryx, bustads, jackals, ground squirrels and guinea fowl. Back at camp for sunset at the watering hole where a a large bull elephant and a rhino joined us - magical. It seems as though all the camps in Etosha have a watering hole by them which is floodlit after sunset The accommodation at each site varies from our very basic tent experience to the high end luxury, with standard facility chalets in between. The bathroom at our tent site could have been from a luxury hotel and we couldn't wait to use it. Evening meal at camp was a delicious chicken curry and then we ambled back to the water hole to see the eleven rhinos and one hyena chilling out there. Our shower experience did turn out to be lovely, we are sorry though for adding to Namibia's water problems with our 15 minute showers but we did get to have a dust free sleep.

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Did you know every zebra has identical markings?!

16th June 2009

Water `ole
I`m sure there are a few Bustads up in the Gurnos.

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