how to play flamenco part 1...

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August 16th 2008
Published: August 16th 2008
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still in kech but only in an hour to essouira jimi hendrixs hangout in the 60s! its a good job ive got my ukelele with me, ill probably set it on fire in some wild naked jamming session tonight!

the past few days have been a mix of a bad belly and fun. ive chilled a bit in dedication to my bellys requirements, keeping myself at all times in sprinting distrance of the bog!

Along with this new interest ive been hanging by the pool with some brit girls getting an appalling tan and jumping off incredibly high rocks into a waterfall in a puny attempt to impress some canadian girls (thats all)!

I met my spanish friends from earlier in my travels on thurs eve and the past two days we ve been making music and laying down tracks of a anglo/latino "flava"... its pretty "rude!"

Today ive spent the morning looking for tonights bus ticket that id put in a "safe place" which was so safe i couldnt remember where it was, so that was the morning well used.

There has still been no sucess in finding a girl whose main requirements in a man is sweat and a patchy tan but ill continue the hunt tonight in essouria while i dance around the inferno from my uke.

much love



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