Fes tanneries

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Africa » Morocco » Fès-Boulemane » Fes
March 23rd 2008
Published: March 23rd 2008
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Wendy and Rob go travelling

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1: Video of the tannery 37 secs
Welcome to our new blog. We were blogging on blogger.com but ran into problems when we were in Morocco and looking after a bit of searching around we found this site which we will be using from now on.

This entry describes some of the tanneries we saw in Fes last week. We tried to put this up on blogger but it got a bit overwhelmed. Which is just how we felt when confronted with the powerful smell emanating from some of these ancient tanneries. A part of the process of turning the animal hides (camel, goat, sheep, cow) into leather involves marinating them in pigeon poo for a few weeks. Given these tanneries have been around since the 13th century, a slight pong is understandable.

Fortunately our guide, who not surprisingly was also a leather goods salesman, gave us each a handful of fresh mint to cover the smell

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