Blogs from Central, Malawi, Africa - page 19


Africa » Malawi » Central » Lilongwe July 1st 2008

Hi! We have added pictures from London and Zanzibar to our blog. Click on the blog that says Greetings from Zanzibar to see all of them. Love, L&T... read more

Africa » Malawi » Central » Lilongwe June 30th 2008

Hi! We've made it to Lilongwe, Malawi! And what a journey it has been... In order to save a lot of money we decided to take a bus rather then a flight to Malawi. When we bought the tickets we were told that the trip would be around 36 hours!!! AAHHHH! But we thought...Hey, what a great way to see the country side of Tanzania and travel with the local African people! So...we left Dar Es Salaam on Saturday morning at 6:00 AM and just finally made it to Lilongwe today! - Monday at 6:30 AM! It took us 48.5 hours from Dar! - INSANE! We are sooo exhausted! It only cost $60 each, but what a long trip... We had to keep our bags where our feet should have been so the whole trip we ... read more
Leg Room - Or Lack Of

Africa » Malawi » Central » Lilongwe June 26th 2008

Hey! Picture time! We arrived in Lilongwe this morning, but 22 people trying to cram onto 5 computers...well chaos. I have not seen any crocs yet! Lilongwe is not quite what I expected... I have been without Starbucks/Coffee that is not instant since..? I miss cheese and chocolate. :) Okay, other than that I am staying in a village not far from Dedza, in a village without electricty and running water, but I AM HAVING AN AWSOME TIME. And I am learning A LOT. Alright, now for pictures... Write ME! I only have like 4 addresses. The rest I left at home by accident...... read more
AFRICA market
another picture of my kids

Africa » Malawi » Central » Lilongwe June 26th 2008

Since arriving in Malawi I had been very eager to begin taking Swahili lessons, and at the Congolese wedding I attended my host told me the groom was a teacher in Lilongwe and could probably do the lessons. So we agreed to have a one-hour lesson twice a week, and during the week of June 26 I had the first lessons with two colleagues from a partner NGO. One of the first things we learned I actually picked up in Tanzania last year: Habari! (What's the news?) Now you say: Mzuri! (Good) On June 17 there was a much-publicized Zimbabwean play, “Super Patriots and Morons,” being performed at Umunthu Theater, the first proper venue for music and plays in town. I went with Mike and Lesley, Sebastien, and John Paul. It was a great satire about ... read more
World Refugee Day
The audience at World Refugee Day
Malawian dancers - World Refugee Day

Africa » Malawi » Central June 22nd 2008

Hey everyone! So, this is the first time I have been near a computer since I got to Malawi, and of course I don't have much time (I don't want to be out after dark here). Anyway, I love it here! Right now I am living in a village south of Lilongwe. Training is hard, and I am not the best at foreign languages, but I really am excited. This Saturday we will find out where we will be stationed for the next two years, but I already have a feeling I will be somewhere south at a nursing school...But, the good news is the colleges sometimes have internet access! Okay, I am going to try to download some pictures, and hopefully you will get my letters (if I have your address) in like 3 weeks! ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Central » Lilongwe June 22nd 2008

Hello All! I'm writing now from Lilongwe, Malawi and I have been traveling for just about 2.5 weeks. To same time and money, I wrote out my post on paper and photographed it, I just tried to write clearly and photograph equally so. Enjoy, more to come! (maybe later today or tomorrow actually) Mark... read more
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Africa » Malawi » Central June 18th 2008

The first picture this week? That would be me on top of Mt Msololo, the highest mountain in the Dzalanyama range. I mentioned these mountains in my last entry. Back then, I was on outreach, seeing them in the distance. What can I say? I had to go there! I spent last weekend in Dzalanyama forest reserve with my two new housemates (Irish medical students). The scenery was absolutely stunning as I'm sure you will agree after looking at my photos. We had a nice, relaxing time when we were in the lodge, huddled around the fire in the evenings (I'm not going to lie I found it bloody freezing and came back with a cold), with candles and gas lanterns for lighting, eating incredible meals that our cook Lucius made. Hats off to him for ... read more
View from the top of Mt Msololo

Africa » Malawi » Central » Lilongwe June 18th 2008

After a farewell meal with Rev Levi Nyondo and his family we left Mzuzu on Tuesday morning to go on another long bus journey back to Lilongwe. Here we are staying in the Sunbird Hotel, although our stay in Mzuzu was wonderful, it is lovely to get a proper bed and we are getting our clothes washed which is such a luxury. After the dusty road at Vwaza Marsh the day before it wasn't just our clothes we were needing to wash!! Today, we have done some shopping at the market - bet you all can't wait to see the presents we have bought you - now we've said that you won't sleep for excitement! We also went to two animal sanctuaries today the first one didn't seem to have any animals but the second one ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Central » Lilongwe June 15th 2008

During the weeks of June 9-20 I had my first round of real interviews, in which I was conducting refugee status determination with refugees on my own. It was a really difficult period, partially because the interviews are depressing and partially because it’s just very exhausting work. We leave for the camp around 8, arrive sometime after 9, and then sit in a room with all the members of a family of applicants and take verbatim notes on everything they say. We usually interview only those members of the family who are old enough to recall events, but sometimes there can be five or six people old enough to be interviewed in one family. After one interview, which usually lasts somewhere between 1-2 hours for a family of 2 or 3 individuals, my wrist is killing ... read more
Sacks of staple
Malawian Red Cross workers rationing out food for distribution to the refugees
UNHCR meets Starlight nightclub

Africa » Malawi » Central » Lilongwe June 8th 2008

Dear all, I could not be more sorry for the horrendous delay in blog postings. My beloved Sony Vaio crashed about 5 weeks ago, so I have had no access to any of my journals or photos! Luckily, most or all of my data has finally been recovered (yes, even laptop repair here progresses at a pace akin to that of the Malawi government), so I can finally start putting blogs up again. So where were we? Back in June. Sometime around the first week of the month I went out with my Finnish colleague Anne and some of her friends to celebrate her birthday; we went to an Indian restaurant that has since become my favorite place to eat out on special occasions. It’s so tastefully decorated you would think you were in NYC or ... read more
After the game

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