On my way out of town

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Africa » Ghana
June 15th 2006
Published: June 15th 2006
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I am now a few days away from being half-way done my trip in ghana, so Cassie and I are headed up north for a week... we are going almost as far as burkina faso and the highlights should include feeding chickens to crocodiles, and spending a few days in a pool looking out over an elephant watering hole in Mole National Park.

The exciting pieces of news since my last entry are that we received some money from Canada this week so we bought all of the stone and cement and water, and the big pour began yesterday. They have to pour a 2 inch base over the entire foundation and then they will put the steel rod supports on top of that and begin forming the pillars in the next few days... really exciting! Also, the cats in my class looked like they were dying because someone kept piling other boxes on top of the one they're living in, so I yelled at my class and told them to leave the box open at night, and now the cats look much more alive and they're even trying to get out of the box. They also look like cats now as opposed to rats. The last exciting thing is that romance is never far in africa and one of the girls has been on several dates with a male nurse, and we think tonight he might try to kiss her! (Every one else has someone special at home, so this relationship is the highlight of our evening discussions).

John and Chris left a few days ago, and Kelsey is leaving tomorrow, so Cassie and I will be all that is left of the May volunteers, but we've had two new girls arrive for the build site this week.

Oh, and I just bought a box of President's Choice granola bars... yes, I am in ghana... it is a small world indeed (The fact that they expire in 6 days is irrelevant).

Anyways, I will be sure to post pictures of me and Cassie in our safari hats standing beside elephants.


15th June 2006

ad hoc
I am so enjoying your updates, it really brings your adventures close, and yes, I also love the photos.
18th June 2006

Feeding chickens to crocodiles!? yech. LoL. Glad to be updated, I love hearing about your time out there. Have fun, keep safe. Smile.

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