Rainy rainy rain

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Africa » Burkina Faso » Centre » Ouagadougou
May 19th 2006
Published: May 20th 2006
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Heya everybody
So the rainy season started off last night with a bang. They had been saying that it would start in the next couple of weeks, but I think the fact that it was pouring last night means it's actually started NOW. I'm not too sure what to expect from the next few months, where weather is concerned. My last trip here was at the tail end of the rainy season and it didn't actually rain that much. But it's raining again today (which of course means we lost power for a bit) and doesn't show any sign of letting up. It's kind of funny; the rainy season makes me think of that part in Forrest Gump where he's in Vietnam during the rainy season and they see all sorts of rain: "Big ol' fat rain..." etc. Anyway, if I meet a friend named Bubba, we're onto something!

Work is going ok. Starting to pick up a bit as I prepare for my first stint in the field next week. Yesterday I gave an interview to a doctoral student from the University of Sorbonne who is doing a thesis on water projects and companies who do them. So he wanted to discuss our pro-bono work and the initiative that we started to encourage other mining companies to do the same. Crazy! I gave him all the feel-good company stuff I'm supposed to, but I didn't have the heart to tell him that I'm not even finished my undergrad...

I'm starting to realize that this position of mine is really way out of my league. I mean, I was looking online at some consulting firms that do the kind of work that I'm doing, and they wouldn't give me a second look with my credentials (they all have Masters and at least 5 years experience). Yet, here I am, essentially responsible for the community relations of certain projects within a company. Holy crap. On the bright side, if things go as planned, before I'm 30 I should definitely have those credentials behind me and still be ahead of most of the people my age in this field. I mean, it's not early retirement or anything, but it's something! I guess the more I'm here the more I realize I'm in way over my head and it's gonna be one of those sink or swim situations.

Anyway, that's the word for now. Hopefully you're all doing super. Have a great May 2-4 everybody, I'll be sure to drink some giant beers for you in true Canadian fashion!



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